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June 7, 2023
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Part 1: Auto Accident Litigation: How to have the clients chasing you!
Part 1: Auto Accident Litigation: How to have the clients chasing you!
Starting with the facts Have a look at this scenario. It's Friday night, and for you one more week at the office is finally over. You're drained-used-up-exhausted-for the thousand reasons only another lawyer will understand.

Latest Lawsuit News & Legal Information

No Breaks from Shamrock Foods, Breakfast Republic or Modesto Community Hospice
No Breaks from Shamrock Foods, Breakfast Republic or Modesto Community Hospice
Santa Clara, CA Labor lawsuits, particularly wage and hour claims, have skyrocketed in the past decade. In fact, wage and hour claims are among the most common lawsuits that California employers face. For instance, Shamrock Foods Co. was hit with a meal and rest break violation in March; the popular eatery Breakfast Republic is facing several violations of California labor law including meal and rest breaks; and in April Community Hospice of Modesto was slammed with a class action lawsuit over unpaid wages and other California labor law violations.

State AGs Join Opposition to LTL Bankruptcy in Talcum Powder Lawsuits
State AGs Join Opposition to LTL Bankruptcy in Talcum Powder Lawsuits
Newark, NJ On May 10, the states of New Mexico and Mississippi joined cancer victims and the U.S. Department of Justice in moving to dismiss the latest LTL bankruptcy petition. The bankruptcy is an essential element of Johnson & Johnson’s $8.9 billion offer to settle all outstanding and future talcum powder lawsuits. Of that $8.9 billion, $400 million is reportedly  to be set aside to settle state consumer protection lawsuits. That is news.

PFAS-Mesh-Talc-ERISA-3M Qui Tam-CA Labor?

PFAS Linked to Obesity
PFAS Linked to Obesity
Kingston, RI A University of Rhode Island study has confirmed that increased PFAS content in blood promotes weight gain and makes it harder to keep a lower body weight after weight loss. Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS/PFOA) “forever chemicals” have previously been linked to a variety of health conditions, including cancers, liver disease and thyroid disease. The newly-found connection with obesity effectively doubles the health risks caused by this environmental contaminant.

Philips CPAP Recall and Test Results Update
Philips CPAP Recall and Test Results Update
Santa Clara, CA Phillips Respironics, manufacturer of CPAP/ BiPAP sleep machines, on May 16 announced test results of its recalled devices. About two weeks previously the company announced it has set aside another $630 million to settle CPAP lawsuits, adding to $1 billion already earmarked to cover the cost of recalling, replacing or repairing millions of its recalled sleep apnea machines.

Chicago's Healthcare Landscape: Legal Considerations for Providers and Patients
Chicago's Healthcare Landscape: Legal Considerations for Providers and Patients
Chicago, ILAs part of Illinois, Chicago has a diverse healthcare landscape that includes numerous hospitals, clinics, and private practices. The City of Chicago generally has a sufficient medical setup for its residents. However, being such a large and bustling densely-populated economic hub, cases in which people getting injured due to the negligence of medical practitioners are not uncommon.  When medical providers or professionals provide care that falls below the minimum standard of care set by regulators, it constitutes medical negligence. This can cause injury or death to a patient. The United States witnesses 33,333 deaths linked to medical negligence every month. If you live in the Chicago area and are injured in the care of a hospital or medical professional, a Chicago surgical error attorney can help you file a claim for medical negligence damages compensation.

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