Good morning, Hubsters! MK Flynn here with a special edition of the US Wire. I’m coming to you from PEI Group’s NEXUS 2025 summit in Orlando, where I’ll be for most of the week. We’re expecting 650 private equity industry folks – up from 500 who attended the conference last year! My day began with an insightful women’s breakfast, which I co-hosted with Emily Mendell, the executive director of the Private Equity Women Investor Network (PEWIN). This afternoon, I’m looking forward to moderating a leaders panel about the “Mega Forces that can Reshape the World,” featuring Carlyle’s Brian Bernasek, Silver Lake’s Joe Osnoss and Apollo’s David Sambur. Tomorrow, I’ll be conducting Fireside Chats on stage with Thoma Bravo’s Orlando Bravo and Advent International’s Tricia Glynn. I spoke with each of them ahead of the conference, and PE Hub premium subscribers may access those preliminary conversations here and here. Also tomorrow, I’ll be chairing the High-Growth Sectors Track, which will cover life in the middle market; private equity’s role in the energy transition; and investing in AI and tech. The Riverside Company’s Stewart Kohl, Sperry Mitchell’s Beatrice Mitchell and Bridgepoint’s Xavier Robert will be among the featured speakers in that track. PE Hub premium subscribers can read a preliminary interview with Robert here. (Note: Bridgepointowns PEI Group, PE Hub’s publisher.) This morning on PE Hub, we published a couple of stories previewing NEXUS content. First up is a Q&A with Suzanne Donohoe, chief commercial officer at EQT, who’s speaking at the summit this afternoon. And then I’ll share some compelling insights about what LPs really want from GPs, based on a survey conducted by PEI Group. Pick and choose Following a choppy couple of years for private markets fundraising and deployment, myriad green shoots are appearing that could lead to a brighter outlook for both fundraising and dealmaking, Suzanne Donohoe, chief commercial officer at EQT, told Madeleine Farman, the editor of Secondaries Investor. Subscribers to the premium version of the Wire can learn why Donohoe says investors need to be very selective in today’s market. If you’re at NEXUS, check out Donohoe’s Fireside Chat this afternoon. Survey says When PEI Group asked more than 100 LPs what they wished GPs best understood about their needs, we knew we would uncover frustrations, but even we were surprised by the passionate responses. From the need for more transparency over risks to pleas for greater acknowledgement of liquidity concerns, the respondents identified seven key areas where they believe there is a significant mismatch in LP and GP expectations. Subscribers to the premium version of the Wire may read all about why LPs want from GPs. The conversation about the LP-GP dynamic will continue at NEXUS 2025, as delegates have the chance to tell us directly how they view the relationship between investors and fund managers: Where are the pain points? How can both sides work together to build trust and transparency? What needs to change? Prize-winning illustrator Jenny Leonard will be on site recording your immediate responses on two large canvasses. The interactive artwork Jenny produces over two days will be a visual representation of this live conversation. For all of PE Hub’s NEXUS-related content, click here now and throughout the week. And if you’re here at the summit, please say Hello. Please introduce yourself to me and to PE Hub reporter Rafael Canton, who will be bringing you NEXUS coverage all week. (Our email addresses are: [email protected] and [email protected]) Hope to see you here! MK Read the full Wire commentary on PE Hub ... |