Term 2 Week 6 Tuesday 7th June - COPSSA Rippa Rugby Competition Queenstown Thursday 9th June - PTA Sausage Sizzle Friday 10th June - WPS Swim Competition - Please note change of date Week 8 Book Week - second hand book sale and book swap Wednesday 22nd June - Authors' Visit Wednesday 22nd June - Matariki Celebration for Rooms 9, 11 and 12 Wednesday 22nd June - STAR One Day School Meeting - 7pm - Staffroom Thursday 23rd June - Dress Up Day for Book Week Friday 24th June - Matariki Holiday - School Closed Week 10 Friday 8th July - Last Day of Term Term 3 Monday 25th July - First Day of Term 3
Coding Club
There is no coding club this week so please ensure you have made plans for your children to get home from school.
Scholastic NZ Brochure
The latest Scholastic NZ Brochure is available from classrooms. If you wish to place an order, please follow the instructions on the inside back cover using Option 1 – Credit Card / LOOP. No cash / orders are accepted at school.
If your order is a gift, please tick the ‘GIFT’ option, otherwise all orders are handed out to the children.
Orders will close at 3pm on Wednesday 22nd June.
Book Week at WPS - 2 Weeks To Go
We will be celebrating the world of books and the joy of reading during the week of Monday 20th June until Thursday 23rd June (Friday school is closed for Matariki). DRESS UP DAY THURSDAY 23rd JUNE If your child has not already told you, on Thursday 23rd we have a school wide dress up day and parade. Children can come dressed as their favourite book character (or super hero or just in their favourite dress up). It is not meant to be stressful, it is just for fun. We will also be having a BOOK SWAP and more details will be emailed in regards to this from your teacher. (It's about bring a book or 2 that you no longer want and the children will get to swap for another book.) Please do not send book/s in yet until an email has been sent out. We have 2 wonderful authors (Juliette MacIver and Ruth Paul) coming to perform on the Wednesday and we will also be having a second hand book sale in the library courtyard all week - lots of good bargains! I really look forward to this school wide celebration.
Sickness Update
Last week we continued to average 100 students absent from school for mainly colds, coughs, vomiting and isolation - only 10 positive for Covid. This week promises to also feature a lot of illness, however, we know we are all doing our best to curb the spread of germs. Keep up the good work everyone.
Wendy has a bit of a rant!
The Upper Clutha Primary Schools are finding the Maths Professional Development with Rob Profitt White very valuable as it reinforces the essential concepts that matter throughout a child's primary and secondary schooling. The Ministry of Education have seen the light too and are now trying to get all schools involved in this PLD to further improve maths learning in all NZ schools. Rob the facilitator, emphasizes the deep learning, mastery, investigative, problem solving and transference aspects of maths learning. We have great educationalists in our primary schools in the Wānaka area and this extra training is making us all greater and that benefits our students. It was disconcerting to be told of a comment on a social media site where a person who tutors locally, criticised Rob's work with us, his fabulous website loaded with resources and in so doing also made a negative comment about our schools. This comment only showed lack of pedagogical depth and understanding in maths, and a complete lack of professionalism. Upper Clutha teachers you are hardworking, dedicated, continually updating your knowledge, inspirational and awesome. Our children are so lucky to have you leading their learning and what you are doing in maths and literacy is outstanding - GO TEACHERS in the UPPER CLUTHA! I am a bit over the media, politicians and others who continually expect schools to be the panacea for all society's problems. I am proud to work in my profession as I work with high achieving, highly motivated colleagues in all of my work throughout the country and continue to be amazed at what they do. With limited staffing, resourcing, funding and increased learning, behavioural and social student needs, along with burgeoning workloads in schools and an over crowded curriculum, teachers are expected to do so much more than just teach the basics. The pressures and expectations don't seem to be easing and sadly nor do the negative comments from certain sectors in our society. Remember to tell a teacher how much you appreciate what they do, especially over these very uncertain times. Teachers touch the lives of your children everyday - 'thank you' is a small gift to make their day. Also this week is support staff week so thank you to our wonderful team in the office, our librarian, our caretaker and our amazing teacher aides...or rather angels! You all do such a fabulous job of making sure our school runs smoothly, our children are well cared for and nurtured in their learning and life at school and our parents too get prompt efficient service when they call in, ring or text/email. HAPPY SUPPORT STAFF WEEK TO YOU ALL!
Pirate Ship
The construction part of the pirate ship renovation is now complete and the painting will be completed this weekend. Hopefully by next week children will be able to return to playing at being pirates and enjoy the new ladders and climbing walls. The mural is yet to be done - probably in the next lot of holidays as the artist is from out of town. Thanks Dave Crowther for putting so much TLC into our beloved pirate ship. You are TUMEKE!
Room 2 - First Day
Welcome to our Room 2 students who started school this morning.
STAR One Day School Community Meeting
WPS Swimming - Friday 10th June
We are very much looking forward to our WPS Swimming Sports for Years 4, 5 and 6 this Friday 10th June. Please note this is an approximate timetable.
Positive Behaviour for Learning - PB4L
PB4L School-Wide looks at behaviour and learning from a whole-of-school as well as an individual child perspective. The framework is based on international evidence and is helping New Zealand schools build a culture where positive behaviour and learning is a way of life.
Each fortnight we focus on a school wide goal to encourage positive behaviours. The current goal is: 'We manage our emotions'.
Library News
Click here to view our wonderful Library Webapp. Feel free toemail Melissa at any time if you have any questions.
Ebooks and Audio Books
The Wānaka Public Library has 2 fantastic Ebook Platforms which are highly recommended. All you need is a library membership which is free.
Click on the image below to find out more and browse to see what is available:
Wānaka Primary School Cookbook - Bite
Contact for our Local Public Health Nurse
Pip McLean is our local Public Health Nurse - should you wish to get in contact with Pip her contact details are: 03 440 4309 or 0272 839 395 or email [email protected]
Lego Club
Art Classes
Auditions for Santa's Midwinter Dream
Performances on the 5th, 6th and 7th of August in Clyde.
Lego Brick Show
There will be a sensory hour on Sunday June 26th from 9am-10am for children with any sensory needs. This gives these children a chance to view the LEGO display and enjoy the event before crowds appear at 10am. Please let us know in the school office if you are keen to go at this time so that we can let the organisers know how many people to expect.
Wānaka Kids Club July Holiday Programme
The July School Holiday Programme is live and up on the site ready to book.