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Februari 2023

Message from the Health-RI board

The board hopes you started the new year afresh and healthy!

For Q1 2023, we have 3 important topics and developments we will bring further in collaboration with our partners and the Ministries. 

The boards of DTL and Health-RI have decided to join forces. DTL is now merging with Health-RI into one strong organization for data-driven health & life sciences. Secondly, we had a fruitful meeting with a delegation of the National Growth Fund committee at the end of January. We will hear more about the outcome soon. And third, (but definitely not last of all our activities for Q1!) we are ready to tackle the many data reuse obstacles with concrete solutions, within the Obstacle Removal Tractory.  You can read more about these 3 important developments in this newsletter. 

And for those who didn’t know yet; Wiro Niessen became Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of Groningen and member of the Board of the UMCG and will therefore no longer be member of the Health-RI board. We will miss you Wiro, but luckily our collaboration will only be intensified with you at the national node Groningen! 
Wiro Niessen says goodbye as CTO of Health-RI: 'The first big step has been taken'.

Wiro Niessen is stepping down as Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Health-RI. He started as Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of Groningen and member of the Board of the UMCG. Read the interview with Wiro Niessen (in Dutch).

DTL & Health-RI moving forward together in one organization - enabling data-driven health & life sciences

The new year starts with a pivotal moment for DTL, as DTL is now merging with Health-RI into one strong organization for data-driven health & life sciences. During the recent DTL partner meeting on 23 November 2022, the strategic partnership of DTL and Health-RI was already formally launched, with DTL’s partners present. As of January 2023, the DTL team continues as part of the Health-RI organization. 
Health-RI and DTL are joining forces. As one of the Health-RI initiators, DTL has actively contributed to the design and construction of Health-RI's organization and program by using its experience, network and expertise. While DTL focuses on the broad life sciences, a large part of DTL activities and projects in the field of health have already been carried out jointly with Health-RI in recent years. Read the article.

National Growth Fund meeting: 'Tomorrow's health starts today' 

Constantijn: 'Health-RI is the national platform for being able to unlock and share health data.'

We look back on a very successful working visit by Constantijn van Oranje and Ben Feringa, two members of the National Growth Fund (NGF) committee, to one of the NGF initiatives from the first round, Health-RI. This was a preparatory meeting for the National Growth Fund committee meeting.

Health-RI focuses on realizing a health data infrastructure for research and innovation. In doing so, it has a coordinating role among the many different data- sharing initiatives out there. 

Read the newsarticle here (in Dutch).

Health-RI Obstacle Removal Traject, from obstacles to concrete solutions for the coming years

More than 60 participants in the Obstacle Removal Pathway (obstakel verwijder traject) met on Nov. 22 in the inspiring surroundings of Het Stadsklooster in Utrecht. The goal: to brainstorm together on the solutions needed to realize a national health data infrastructure. Read the newsitem about the Obstacle Removal Pathway and view the new information on our (new) webpage.

Save the date: Health-RI conference on October 12, 2023!

Did you visit the 'Setting data in motion' conference on October 6? Health-RI is planning the 8th conference on October 12, 2023 in the Jaarbeurs Utrecht again! More information will follow soon.

You can read the summary of our last year's conference ''From setting data in motion to setting people in motion''

Check the Health-RI website for updates about our conference this year. 

Health-RI demonstrator projects and data champions: the FAIR principles put into practice

An important part of realising any kind of data- sharing initiative is making the data FAIR (Findable Accessible Interoperable and Reusable, see also our FAIR data implementation page). When you start making your data FAIR, and realise what it means in practice, it can feel like an overwhelming task. There are many projects out there however, that show that making data FAIR is possible and worthwhile. Read the blog here.


Integrated legislation needed for medical scientific research

Integral sectoral law and regulations are needed for the collection, storage and use of bodily material, images and their associated data. In addition, a national registry is needed where patients and citizens can register their choice whether data can or cannot be re-used. This is what Health-RI and other stakeholders argue for in a letter to the 'Tweede Kamer' in anticipation of the discussion on the 'Wet zeggenschap lichaamsmateriaal'. Read our statement here (in Dutch).



On October 1, our new colleague Felicia Barbieri joined the Health-RI team! 

'I am Felicia Barbieri, half Italian, half Dutch. Made in Italy and born and raised in the Netherlands. From October 1st, 2022, I’ve jointed the Health-RI team as Financial Director. I have studied business economics and business administration and have a degree as qualified controller. Besides this I took a post academic master class in financial management & Strategy in Healthcare. As for my career I’ve worked for about 25 years in the middle and high management in hospitals, both academic as general hospitals, the last 10 years as a division director. My expertise is my knowledge and experience with hospital/health funding, transfer pricing, cost accounting and business development.'
A warm welcome to our new colleague Stefan Klein in the Health-RI team.

'I am an associate-professor in medical image analysis at the department of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine of the Erasmus MC, Rotterdam. There I am leading a team of researchers developing artificial intelligence methods to aid medical specialists in interpreting medical images. These methods learn from examples, which means we need to collect large amounts of real-word imaging data for development and validation. Since July 2022, I have joined the Health-RI Architecture team, to contribute to the design and implementation of an infrastructure that enables the re-use of routine clinical imaging data from hospitals across the Netherlands for scientific purposes.'
Our new colleague Esther Bron joined the Health-RI team!

'Last July I started working for Health-RI as Imaging Data Coordinator in the Architecture team. Next to that, I lead a research group at Erasmus MC in the department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine. My research focuses on brain MRI analysis and machine learning to improve diagnosis and prediction of brain diseases such as dementia. My mission is to extend the value of big data and artificial intelligence (AI) in the neurology domain to the benefit of patients and doctors. Since for that mission it is really crucial that we - researchers - can have access to large sets of imaging data from different hospitals and institutions. I am really committed to contribute to making that possible, together with the Health-RI team.'
A warm welcome to Mirjam Bos-Menting: our new Program Manager Health Data at Health-RI.

'Since August 1 I have been working for Health-RI in the Architecture Team as Program Manager Health Data. And already with great pleasure! I am enthusiastic and driven to improve healthcare (and patient health) with ICT, both within the institutions, through transmural information, and through ICT for the patient. In recent years, as Program Manager Healthcare Communication for Connect4Care, I have had the opportunity to shape that for the regional Program Council members. At Health-RI, I see the opportunity to work with parties to make health data available for healthcare providers, patients and researchers, and to make the research results applicable for healthcare providers and patients.
A great challenge!'


9-10 May, 2023

Bioinformatics & Systems Biology Conference 2023

The BioSB 2023 conference will be held on 9-10 May 2023 in Hotel  Zuiderduin in Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands. 

The Dutch Bioinformatics & Systems Biology conference 2023 (BioSB 2023) discusses the latest developments in bioinformatics, systems and computational biology and interrelated disciplines, and their wide-ranging applications in life sciences & health, agriculture, food & nutrition research.

April 13, 2023

ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum: AI in Health Research

The Innovation and SME Forum is a one-day event that provides the platform for experts from the private and public sector who work on AI in the healthcare sector to discuss challenges and opportunities in health digitalisation and data-driven innovation.

This event contains a mix of high-level speakers, giving companies the chance to present technological advances in the field of AI for healthcare applications. The participants will have the chance to learn about Health-RI and ELIXIR resources and reach out to relevant networks from industry and academia.

October 12, 2023

Save the date: Health-RI conference 2023

We are pleased to announce the 8th Health-RI conference that will be held on Thursday, October 12, 2023. After last year’s very successful virtual conference, we are now very happy to be able to invite you to join us in Jaarbeurs Media Plaza in Utrecht and meet in-person again.


Better health for citizens and patients by reusing health data with an integrated health data infrastructure for research and innovation. Read more about Health-RI or get to know our team.


Interested in working at Health-RI? We have seven current vacancies open.

Read all about current vacancies at our Careers pageMake sure to check out the vacancies at our partners as well.
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