Guide to the Cosmos Making the Wonders of our Universe Accessible to Everyone. | |
| Upcoming Seminar Topics in Modern Physics | |
| Our latest lecture series, Relativity & Cosmology, concluded on August 25, but our exploration of frontier physics continues. A less formal seminar series, Topics in Modern Physics, begins on September 8th, and will address intriguing topics, with ample time for focused discussion. We will cover breaking new discoveries, major turning points in physics, and other physics topics our group wishes to pursue. We will have 2 seminars per month, each starting at 10:00 am Pacific time and lasting about 90 minutes. Our first topic is a brief review of classical physics, like: What did Newtonian mechanics, electromagnetism, and thermodynamics tell us about our world? What did they get right, and where were they wrong? How did all that provide a base for modern physics? Other topics might include: Dark Matter Searches Light & Birth of Cosmology, Quantum Mechanics and/or Relativity Aspects of Particle Physics Gravitational Waves Black Holes, Massive & Supermassive Telescopes - what comes after Hubble? and Space Missions, represented by the Mars Curiosity Sky Crane shown on the left The subscription fee is $30 for 6 seminars (3 months). To subscribe, click here. As with our prior series, Topics will be recorded and available at no additional charge to all subscribers. Days: 2 Seminars per month for 3 months Time: 10 am PDT for 90 mins Dates: Tuesdays Sept 8,22; Oct 6, 20; Nov 10,24 Subscription: $30 for 6 seminars Subscribe by clicking here. Best Wishes, Robert | |
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