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Highlights Elrha has launched new R2HC funding opportunities for humanitarian health research. Under these calls, Elrha is seeking proposals for research that will strengthen the evidence base for public health interventions in humanitarian crises and contribute to better health outcomes for people affected by crisis.

This Dutch Fund against Child Labour, a five-year programme will support entrepreneurs who actively want to end child labour in their chain. Learn More.

Through the Global Summit, thirty (30) Delegates from around the world will meet to build their advocacy skills, grow their confidence as advocates, and build networks in order to advance gender equality and women’s leadership in their home countries. Learn More.
We are glad to present the Part 2 of the three-part training tutorial on team building. A slight reminder to all our users, you can easily access Part 1, 'How to Step Up and Build A Successful Fundraising Team' of this tutorial anytime from our Premium platform.

In Part 2 of this training tutorial, you will learn how to Manage and Motivate your Team to bring Fundraising Success to your NGO. This session will help build your capacity to get the most out of your staff and volunteers. Following this tutorial, you will learn the different stages of the development cycle of a team that will enhance your understanding of addressing challenges and providing support when needed.
Premium Grant Opportunities
Country-based and Regional Grant Opportunities
There are two powerful techniques: Researching donors and building a database of donors. How to go about it? We have two online courses open now to learn how to research donors and develop a donor database. These courses consist of various reading materials, quizzes, videos, and assessments. So, now you can:

#Learn MoreWrite proposals, find donors, research grants, raise funds.

#Save MoneySpend less on your learning and gain more knowledge.

#Flexible Learning: Learn at your own time and schedule. Proceed further at your own pace.

#Get Expert Advice: Have ready access to experts and knowledgeable people for your reference.
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