| Travel Advisors, Time to discover the magic of Aotearoa! Join two leading travel advisors, Joni Wu from The Signature Travel Network in California and McKenzie McMillan from Ensemble Travel Group in Vancouver, on a webinar adventure! They will share their extensive travel knowledge and experiences of New Zealand to help you, as a fellow travel advisor, grow your own business and deliver more of the extraordinary to your clients. We’ll also be discussing the big three W’s through the perspective of New Zealand travel experts: • WHY should your clients go to New Zealand? • WHO is New Zealand for? • WHAT is there to do in New Zealand? Learn more about our ambassadors and their journey to New Zealand here. Date: Tuesday, February 21, 2023 Time: 11am PST/ 2pm ET REGISTER NOW TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT.
Can’t attend live? You should still register! We’ll send out the recording after the webinar to all registrants. | |