1. New renewable energy projects in cooperation with the Siemenpuu Foundation |
In 2018, we started a cooperation with the Siemenpuu Foundation for the selection and long-term monitoring of renewable energy projects in Mali, Myanmar and Nepal. The Siemenpuu Foundation has a lot of experience with financing grassroot organisations as well as with selecting and monitoring projects. Through our cooperation, we want to combine the financial capacity of EKOenergy’s Climate Fund and Siemenpuu’s experience in development cooperation. On our YouTube channel, you can find a recent video about one of last year's projects in Mali. This year EKOenergy will contribute 80,000 € to renewable energy projects selected in cooperation with the Siemenpuu Foundation. Two renewable energy projects in Nepal were selected last week and two or three projects from Mali will follow soon. For an overview of all renewable energy projects financed by EKOenergy consumers, see the Climate Fund page of our website. So far, we have supported 53 projects and at least nine more will be selected in the coming months. All projects contribute to the realisation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. |
"Today we are very happy. They taught us how to dry vegetables and we understood it very well. With this solar drying system, onions can be kept in good conditions for a year." - Mama Traoré, one of the beneficiaries of a solar project we financed, in a recent video |
2. RWE Renewables launched newGO, carrying the EKOenergy ecolabel |
On the 15th of June, RWE Renewables launched newGO, a flexible PPA product available to companies of all sizes. All newGO contracts will carry the EKOenergy label. "Additionality is a constitutive characteristic of newGO: it's a way for companies to contribute directly to the funding of new renewable energy, from non-subsidised projects. The EKOenergy ecolabel provides an extra layer of additionality to the concept, as it finances renewable energy projects that combat energy poverty through its Climate Fund. So in this sense, your company will not only support the renewables built in Europe, it will also contribute to climate action in developing countries. Moreover, as an initiative of environmental NGOs, EKOenergy also promotes the use of environmentally friendly renewables in emerging markets and worldwide with their advocacy work. Another main benefit is that international standards such as the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and organisations such as CDP and the RE100, list EKOenergy as a good instrument to go the extra mile." The result is a straightforward and clear solution that easily adapts to all types of corporate consumers; regardless of the complexity, size, consumption or the number of locations. |
3. Welcome to the REC Market Meeting 2021 |
We are a supporting association of the REC Market Meeting this year too. The conference will take place in Amsterdam on 30 November and 1 December. Throughout the years, the REC Market Meeting has grown from a small gathering for Energy Attribute Certficate (EAC) professionals to a successful and recognised global platform for policy makers, market players, NGOs and academics in the field of renewable energy consumption. EKOenergy is particularly involved in the organisation of the "C-stream" sessions, which focus on basic information about tracking systems, as well as on new developments and on how EACs are used in practice. For the full program and registration, see the conference website. |
"As the CEO of ForGreen, I am proud to share such successful partnerships. Thanks EKOenergy ecolabel and Coldiretti Veneto." - Vincenzo Scotti, comment on a LinkedIn post about EKOenergy consumer Valleri Farm |
4. Functional and pragmatic ecolabel for renewable energy |
In the large majority of the world, EKOenergy is the only available nonprofit ecolabel for renewable energy. There are a few nonprofit labels similar to EKOenergy but available only nationally, such as Grüner Strom in Germany and Bra Miljöval in Sweden, operating in their own countries without international materials or ambition. At EU level, the Commission is now studying if it would make sense to launch an EU wide ecolabel for renewable energy. They have been in contact with us to learn from EKOenergy's expertise. Of course we hope that the Commission won't reinvent the wheel, but will instead support existing initiatives with a proven track record. We are open to cooperation. Recently, the European Parliament awarded the European Citizen's Prize to the EKOenergy ecolabel. We're happy to get recognition for our work, but we also want to see concrete climate action right now! EKOenergy is a readily available tool helping consumers of all sizes to contribute to the energy transition and increase the positive impact of their choice. Read more about our results. |
"We will never achieve systematic change without individual change." - We Don't Have Time, on Twitter |
Consumers of EKOenergy-labelled energy help us, as an environmental initiative, to promote climate-friendly legislation. Last week, we joined the Climate Action Network and many other NGOs in a joint call to phase out fossil gas by 2035 at the latest. Burning fossil gas not only produces CO2, its extraction and transmission also emit methane, a greenhouse gas with an 86 times stronger climate warming potential than CO2 over a 20-year timeframe. Methane emissions occur across the entire fossil gas supply chain and need to be drastically reduced. Within the EU, demand for fossil gas peaked in the last decade in the majority of the EU countries and dropped in 2019 by more than 10-40% compared to the respective peak years. Fossil gas consumption can, and has to be, reduced further by applying the first principle for energy efficiency: Electrification and shifting to 100% renewables. As a reminder, there is also an option to use EKOenergy-labelled renewable gas: biomethane from residues and synthetic gas made with renewable electricity. |
6. Join our survey about labelling and real time tracking of electricity |
As a follow up to EKOenergy and FlexiDAO's joint workshop "Hourly green energy sourcing: Labelling options for green leadership" (see also newsletter 140), we are collecting more specific information via a survey. If you are an energy buyer, we would like to hear your input about what you would expect from an ecolabel such as EKOenergy when it comes to endorsing synchronously tracked renewable energy consumption. Thanks for taking the survey! It is available here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/65RFCQQ For more information, contact [email protected]. |
7. Our recent activity on social media |
We promote the use of renewable energy on social media too: You can help us reach more people by liking or sharing our posts from time to time! Here are some of our recent posts: - Azienda Agricola Valleri, a farm specialised in the production, processing and packaging of aromatic herbs and vegetables, is now powered by EKOenergy-labelled electricity, on LinkedIn - EKOtalks: A conversation about EKOenergy's start, on our YouTube channel - Behind-the-scenes sneak peek of the EKObeauty campaign photoshoot, on Facebook - News from a Climate Fund project in Ethiopia, on Instagram - Act now: The last natural forest in the Muğla area is under threat of coal mine expansion, on Twitter |
8. Fossil fuel exit strategy |
The new Fossil Fuel Exit Strategy report shows through detailed modelling that, even if no new fossil fuel projects were built from today onwards, carbon emissions from existing projects are still far too high to stay on course towards meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement. The modelling in the report demonstrates that the world would produce significantly more fossil fuels than it can afford under a 1.5ºC climate goal by 2030, leading to 66% more emissions in 2030 than is compatible with 1.5ºC. Therefore, the world needs to actively wind down existing coal mines and oil and gas wells while speeding up the uptake of renewable energy. The good news is that the renewable transition is not only required but is completely feasible: Everywhere on the world there is enough renewable energy potential to provide energy access to all by making use of existing, affordable technologies. |
We at EKOenergy are always enthusiastic to collaborate with new partners. For further information, please do not hesitate to get in touch. |