Hi John, As the hum of complaints about the NBN grew and grew, reaching a shrill pitch, it was only to be expected that the government would react; each NBN user represents at least one vote in its reckoning.
Exploit vendor Zerodium has added new categories to its payout list, with sums of half a million dollars (US) on offer for fully functioning weaponised exploits against Signal, WhatsApp, Telegram and other encrypted messaging apps. It seems that everywhere you turn these days, there is a possible export around the corner. A third-party replacement screen on a smartphone could serve as an entry point for an attacker, with impersonation or compromise of a user, or compromise of the device itself being possible. The cyber security co-ordinator of the White House has publicly warned against the use of software from Kaspersky Lab. To simplify the SSD install process for consumers, a web app promises to make an SSD upgrade a simple process taking less than 15 minutes following the “straightforward instructions. Ok, so the new LG Q6 “only” has a 5.5-inch screen, but it does have the 18:9 aspect ratio, it’s $1100 cheaper than the Note8 at $399, and it’s in JB Hi-Fi stores from today. As was the case with the original iPhone, Telstra is slow out of the gate again. Telstra’s pre-orders for the Note8 start much later than the 25 August date mentioned by Samsung Australia, with its plans and pricing to be announced “soon.” And of course, there's plenty more so for all the news visit www.itwire.com. Have a great day! Stan Beer, Editor in Chief, iTWire ADVERTISE IN THIS NEWSLETTER & iTWire.com Contact: andrew.matler@itwire.com 0412 390 000