To gild sculptures in the late Middle Ages, artists often applied ultra-thin gold foil supported by a silver base layer. For the first time, scientists have managed to produce nanoscale 3D images of this material, known as Zwischgold.
Scientists have performed quantum calculations that allowed them to discover new 'phases' of two-dimensional (2D) material that could be used to develop the next generation of fuel-cells devices.
Researchers demonstrate a multitarget real-time trajectory tracking system by using a time-division position sensitive detector (TD-PSD) system by employing a graphene-silicon Schottky heterojunction. The system allows for multi-target real-time trajectory tracking with a maximum image output frame rate of up to 62 000 frames per second (which is superior to commercial optical high-speed motion capture systems of about 1000 frames per second). This breaks the bottleneck in precise ...