Researchers have created a gas of light particles that can be extremely compressed. Their results confirm the predictions of central theories of quantum physics.
Researchers uncover new avenue for overcoming the performance decline that occurs with repeated charge-discharge cycling in the cathodes of next generation batteries.
Researchers have designed a a raindrop solar cell by integrating a triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) and perovskite solar cells to harvest raindrop energy and solar energy efficiently to provide a distributed energy source.
Scientists theorized that by doubling the gradient, they would increase the precision of optical nanoscopy by a factor of two or decrease the number of photons needed by a factor of four.
New research details the relationship between a disordered material's individual particle arrangement and how it reacts to external stressors. The study also found that these materials have 'memory' that can be used to predict how and when they will flow.
Recent research demonstrates how a new class of polymers can produce small, precise patterns on the nanometer scale, with future implications for large-scale computer chip fabrication.
Researchers use a computer simulation to model to flow of heat at the surface of a solid-liquid interface with atomic resolution, which may help in the development of novel nanoscale manufacturing methods.
A lithography-free method for printing optical metasurfaces with resonant laser printing can achieve metasurfaces for structural colors, optical holograms, and diffractive optical elements, with an energy consumption of less than 1 nanojoule and a print time down to 1 nanosecond per dot. The performance of this ink-free laser color printing with a resolution of more than 100 000 dpi by far exceeds the output of conventional laser printers. The nanoscale structures made on a multi-layer ...