New research indicates that nanomedicine may provide additional benefits if it's administered at lower, more frequent doses - called metronomic dosing - rather than the standard maximum tolerated dose of current treatments.
Scientists have found new methods to place ('hide') nano-emitters inside 3D photonic nanostructures made of silicon and to be able to locate them ('seek') afterwards using synchrotron X-ray nanofluorescence.
Researchers have developed a new computational tool that allows users to conduct simulations of multi-functional magnetic nanoparticles in unprecedented detail.
Scientists have imaged the fastest and tiniest details of the electron dynamics in atoms using light with wavelengths which were until now considered far too long for this task. The discovery will allow novel, much easier access to the smallest temporal and spatial scales in the atomic world.
For the first time, physicists have simulated the propulsion of freely orientable nanoparticles by travelling ultrasound waves. They have found answers to central questions, which had previously stood in the way of acoustic propulsion of nanoparticles.
To help researchers sift through all of the possible metal-organic framework (MOF) structures and help identify the ones that would be most practical for a particular application, a team of computational chemists has developed a model that can analyze the features of a MOF structure and predict if it will be stable enough to be useful.
The world's smallest car race will return to Toulouse (France) on 24-25 March. Eight international teams will be at the starting line for the competition.
Researchers use phonons as information carriers, together with electrons and photons, in a novel nano-electro-opto-mechanical system (NEOMS) platform, which can operate at room temperature and frequencies up to a few GHz. Based on nanocrystalline-silicon, it is fully compatible with CMOS technologies, facilitating integration with current silicon electronics.
Light can be used to distribute quantum information rapidly, efficiently, and in a secure, tap-proof manner. Researchers have now achieved major progress in the development of materials for processing quantum information with light.