By using a fully new material, nickel niobate, for the anode of lithium-ion batteries, the charging speed can be improved by ten times. This is possible without the risk of damaging the anode material, causing battery breakdown or reducing its lifetime.
This novel design uses a straight grating antenna, which allowed a small amount of light to scatter out of the plane at the designed angle, while the rest could also pass through. The grating was made of silicon waveguides coated with silicon dioxide.
The project NanoQI will be the first consortium to optimize and multimodally combine X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) and X-ray reflectometry (XRR) with novel hyperspectral imaging (HSI) technology to provide industry access to real-time assessment of nano-dimensions, structure and morphology of thin film nanomaterials, as well as correlative imaging of their homogeneity and defects.
Researchers synthesize and crystallize a molecule that is otherwise too unstable to fully study in the laboratory, and is a model of a revolutionary class of magnets.
Researchers have found a cheaper, easier way to create a nanoscopic forest of carbon nanotubes, a tiny material that could pack a big punch when it comes to protecting medical implants in the human body.