Scientists have succeeded in taking repeated measurements of the spin of an electron in a silicon quantum dot, without changing the spin in the process. This type of 'non-demolition' measurement is important for creating quantum computers that are fault ...
Nanotechnology News from Nanowerk
Scientists have succeeded in taking repeated measurements of the spin of an electron in a silicon quantum dot, without changing the spin in the process. This type of 'non-demolition' measurement is important for creating quantum computers that are fault tolerant. • Email to a friend • Researchers have revealed that the possibilities created by stacking two sheets of atomically thin material atop each other at a twist are even greater than expected. • Email to a friend • An international team of researchers has demonstrated that the Berry curvature - an important property of quantum materials - can be imaged with chiral light. • Email to a friend • Phycsicists for the first time have experimentally observed spin centers in two-dimensional materials. Such centers can act as quantum bits - even at room temperature. • Email to a friend • Ultrafast, multidimensional spectroscopy unlocks macroscopic-scale effects of quantum electronic correlations. Researchers found that low-energy and high energy states are correlated in a layered, superconducting material LSCO (lanthanum, strontium, copper, oxygen). • Email to a friend • |