Dear John,
In many of his past lives Paramhansa Yogananda had been a great warrior and spiritual leader of humanity. He told his disciples that he had been William the Conqueror, who stormed the beach at Hastings, England, in 1066 to establish one of the oldest continuous governments in history.
In another former life, he indicated, he was King Ferdinand III of Spain, who unified the country and drove out the invading Moors, who were a threat to Spain’s Christian roots. Known for his deep piety and faith in God, Ferdinand was canonized by the Catholic Church in 1671.
Yoganandaji also said he had been the great warrior-prince Arjuna, whose battle against an evil leader and his vast armies is recounted in the Bhagavad Gita. This great scripture is an allegory of the soul’s battle against, and ultimate victory over, the darkening pull of materialism that has usurped the kingdom of our consciousness. In Master’s explanation of the Gita he says that Arjuna is “devotee everyman,” and his battle is one that each of us must fight to achieve soul freedom.
In his incarnation in the twentieth century as Paramhansa Yogananda, Master was once again a courageous warrior—this time confronting the forces of spiritual indifference and materialism rampant in the West. Arriving on the shores of America in 1920, he soon began his “spiritual campaigns,” traveling tirelessly back and forth across the country lecturing, healing, and transforming untold thousands with the shining power of his soul’s magnetism.
One of my favorite poems of Master’s is called “My Soul Is Marching On.” In the introduction he writes, “Never be discouraged by this motion picture of life. Salvation is for all. Just remember that no matter what happens to you, still your soul is marching on. No matter where you go, your wandering footsteps will lead you back to God. There is no other way to go.”
As this year, with all of its difficulties, draws to a close, and we face the uncertain prospects of 2022, take heart by following in the footsteps of our great warrior-guru. Draw from his courage, strength, and deep faith and surrender to God.
| Here are some ways to face whatever may lie ahead:
Are you worried and anxious about the future? Overcome the assaults of worry with calmness. Visualize yourself fighting by Yogananda’s side, infused with his strength and courage—and with the certainty that nothing and no one can defeat you. Create your own affirmation to use when “worries howl at you.”
Do you find yourself judging or condemning others whose opinions differ from your own? See yourself standing by Master’s side as he reaches out to help each person as his very own. See no one as a stranger, but each and every one as your brother or sister. Treat them with acceptance and respect.
Are you troubled by political conditions and trends in the world? Look into Master’s eyes and see the knowledge that God—not man—is ultimately in charge, and that His Divine Plan rooted in love will prevail in the end. Carry this understanding in your heart always.
I’ll close with the last verses of Master’s powerful poem:
“The flowers bloomed, then hid in gloom, The bounty of the trees did cease; Colossal men have come and gone, But still my soul is marching on!
“The aeons one by one are flying, My arrows one by one are gone; Dimly, slowly, life is fading, But still my soul is marching on!
“Darkness, death, and failures vied; To block my path they fiercely tried. My fight with jealous Nature’s strong, But still my soul is marching on!”
Your comrade-in-arms in the forces of light,
Nayaswami Devi
| | Nayaswami Devi first met Swami Kriyananda, Ananda’s founder, in 1969 and dedicated her life to the spiritual path. In 1984 she and her husband Jyotish began serving together as Spiritual Directors of Ananda Sangha Worldwide. Since Kriyanandaji’s passing in 2013, Jyotish and Devi have carried on the great work that Yogananda commissioned him to do. | |
| | My Soul Is Marching On A Touch More Light is a behind-the-blog podcast series with weekly commentary by Jyotish and Devi. Listen to additional stories and inspiration as they expand on that week's topic.
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| Thank You, God Ananda’s tithing program, “Thank You, God” has been revisioned and is now launching with this wonderful short video. You will see and hear from friends from all around the world. Hear the stories of others, but test this teaching in your own life and see what transpires |
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