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My Real 'Backstory' With Stansberry Research
By Dr. Steve Sjuggerud
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Most people don't know this, but Porter Stansberry and I have been friends since we were kids…

He is the smartest person I know, so naturally he was the first person I ever hired when I was given the chance.

That was more than 20 years ago… And we've been business partners ever since.

We started out living together in a tiny efficiency apartment… I would tell you that we dreamed up Stansberry Research on our kitchen table – but back then, we didn't even have one!

Then we made it official 17 years ago by forming Stansberry Research.

We saw a simple opportunity in the investment-newsletter business…

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Porter's Partnership Offer Expires at Midnight

Tonight is your last chance to accept Porter's offer of "partnership" and join a small circle of our most serious readers in the Stansberry Alliance.

If you're interested, view his proposal and respond as soon as possible.


The bar was set pretty low back then… As Porter says, practically everyone in the business "was a crook." The industry seemed to prefer to "churn and burn" subscribers rather than build long-term relationships with them.

Porter and I had a different idea…

We put our readers' interests first. We treated them the way we would want to be treated if our roles were reversed. We fulfilled the promises we made.

People laughed at us… They thought we were foolish for even trying to build a business this way… saying Porter and I were just "a couple of kids with foolish idealism."

It started out slowly. But now, 17 years later, our foolish little dream has become the largest company in our industry.

For years, we have invited our best subscribers to become "partners" with us…

I don't mean we tried to sell them a piece of our company or asked them to show up at our board meetings. Nothing like that.

Instead, we have offered them a chance to become something more than regular subscribers… We offered them a lifetime stake in our research.

Our "Alliance Partners," as we call them, have an incredible advantage…

My favorite Partner exclusive is our annual Alliance Conference. To me, this is the top event in our industry. It is free to attend for our Alliance Partners – but exclusive to our Alliance Partners only.

Normally, this offer of "partnership" is only available to the top 1% of our subscribers – and by invitation only. But we're opening it to you right now for good reason: We are about to raise the one-time entry fee by 70%.

As a Partner, you'll gain an incredible advantage… Instead of paying for our various research separately year after year, you'll get just about everything we publish today… every book… every report… every newsletter. Plus, you'll get everything we publish in the FUTURE, for life. And you'll never have to pay regular subscription fees again.

Porter and I plan to continue doing what we've done for 17 years with Stansberry Research – which is treat you how we would want to be treated if our roles were reversed. Treating you well over the long run, not just the short run.

We would love to have you on board with us for the long run as well.

So please, take a moment to look over all the benefits we've prepared for you… Find out whether or not our partnership is right for you, and let us know your decision. But don't delay… This offer expires at midnight Eastern time tonight. Get the full details here.



P.S. I want to make sure you are aware that this offer is open TODAY ONLY. That's it. After that, the price is going up dramatically. So if you are interested, please check it out immediately by clicking here.
Further Reading:

"I went 'whole hog' on a trade in my monthly newsletters, investing in one particular country over the last month..." Steve wrote recently. "My paid subscribers got into this trade about a month ago. But there's still plenty of upside potential..." Learn the simplest way to make the trade right here.
"Doing this made us 19% in two months... And it has worked for us for decades." Walk through this winning trade with Steve as he shows readers how to set up a trade, when to get in, and when to get out for a profit. Read more here.
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Today's chart is another sign of strength for the global economy...
Recently, we've shown how strength in recreational vehicles, travel, and swimming pools are all healthy signs for the economy. As long as these real-world indicators are enjoying booming profits and rising share prices, the economy can't be in the dumps.
Today, we have another addition to the list: airplanes. Air travel is a good "health gauge" for the economy. When all of the middle seats are filled on a flight, it's a sign that businesses are busy... And people are traveling.
Boeing (BA) is the world's largest manufacturer of commercial jets. The company profits as travel increases and global airlines buy more planes. Earlier this week, Boeing announced a 30% increase to its annual dividend and a huge new $14 billion share-buyback program.
As you can see in the chart below, business is good for Boeing. Shares are up more than 40% from their February lows and recently hit a new all-time high. It's another sign that while things may not be perfect, they can't be all that bad, either...

A top recommendation from my brand-new research service...
By becoming a "partner" in our business, you'll receive just about everything we publish, as well as all of the new research we launch in the future.
For current Alliance Partners, that means access to my newest product: True Wealth China Opportunities. Today, I'd like to share one of its top recommendations. This is just a taste of what you could get by becoming a Partner for life...

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One grandfather faces grim reality of what happens when you outlive your retirement savings. (A must-see for U.S. retirees.)

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