Last Monday afternoon I nearly shed a tear…

My BJJ instructor, Frank, gave me my first stripe on my white belt.

I’m very proud of myself for sticking with BJJ because it’s one of the most humbling things I’ve done.

Listen, at 48 I’m too old to feel like an idiot three days a week.

But still I go to class… screw up for 45 minutes… roll the wrong way… grab the wrong body part…

And then finally “it kind of clicks” and I understand the technique Frank has been trying to teach me.

I also leave most sessions with a new ache or pain.

Rotator cuff impingement, golfer’s elbow, assorted bruises, bent fingers, cranked neck…

Why do I do this to myself?

I do it for Isabella.

Not just to protect her…

But to inspire her to take up BJJ when she’s old enough.

I believe BJJ is one of the best physical activities for kids.

And since I truly believe…

Behaviors are caught, not taught.

Hopefully she’ll see me doing BJJ classes and want to join daddy too.

That’s my motivation… My Big Why is my little girl.

By the way, here’s another example of “behaviors are caught, not taught”…

Isabella yells “Day-Say!” at our dog.


Because I’m always yelling “Daisy” at Daisy the dog for stealing Isabella’s toys or trying to lick Isabella’s face… and so Isabella is now mimicking what daddy does.

Big lesson… Watch what you do around your kids!

And your team members, customers, etc.

Because whether they’re good… or bad…

Behaviors are caught, not taught.

Just wanted to share that quick story with you :) 

Success Loves Speed,


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