Good afternoon! Are you planning on watching the vice presidential debate tonight? Follow along as MPR News hosts a fact-check of the event live! While the VP debates might not be as high profile as their presidential counterparts there have been many memorable moments from vice president hopefuls throughout American history. | Election 2016 | Forecast |
Cops don't want to feed into the scary-clown-roaming-town hysteria, but it's pretty clear they're tired of it. Law enforcement in several Minnesota towns took to social media Tuesday to tell people to knock it off. | NewsCut |
A developer such as Donald Trump can use a net operating loss "carry forward" to lower his taxes. That may sound weird, but the law has been in place for nearly a century, and experts say it's fair. | How Donald Trump would be able to not pay income taxes for 18 years |
The University of Minnesota's College Republicans group painted "Build The Wall" on a campus bridge last week. The mural was soon defaced, covered by the words "Stop White Supremacy." | NewsCut |
Little Red Riding Hood wasn't always so lucky, and "The Frog King" had a very different ending. | The Thread |
Community and nonprofit colleges across the country are recruiting former ITT Tech students who face a tough decision: roll the dice on transferring credits, or lose them all for debt relief. | Are for-profit colleges on the way out? |
The dangerous Category 4 storm made landfall around dawn on Haiti's southern peninsula. It's heading north toward Cuba and the eastern coast of Florida. |
The Minnesota Department of Transportation has called off Tuesday night's cleaning of the Lowry Tunnel in Minneapolis due to weather. Instead, plan your I-94 detour for early next week. |