Most Popular of the Week - February 21, 2018

3 Reasons Why Millions Still Support Trump

By Paul Buchheit, AlterNet

They're standing by their man, even as he fails to live up to his promises. READ MORE»

'Joy Behar, Not Jewish': Deranged Fox News Segment Becomes an Amazing Trainwreck

By Sarah K. Burris, Raw Story

The co-hosts were too busy being bigots to keep track of the facts. READ MORE»

Thom Hartmann: We Live in a Country That Has a Totally Corrupted Political System

By Thom Hartmann, AlterNet

The young people see this situation for what it is: Corruption.  READ MORE»

Why the Right Wing Is So Interested in Narrowing Down Education into 'Skills'

By Jennifer Berkshire, AlterNet

The politics behind the push to expand vocational education. READ MORE»

The Terrifying Danger of Trump’s Deteriorating Mental Health

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

Is the Mueller investigation pushing him toward the nuclear button? READ MORE»

Jeff Sessions Just Kicked Off a Brand-New Civil War in the Republican Party

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

An imbroglio over sentencing reform exposes a major fissure in the GOP. READ MORE»

Donald Trump Finds a Way to Blame the Victims of the Florida School Shooting

By Sophia Tesfaye, Salon

The president plumbs new depths in an early morning tweet. READ MORE»

Trump Accuser Rachel Crooks Calls the President's Bluff in Spectacular Fashion

By Sarah K. Burris, Raw Story

Not only does she refuse to be silenced, she's also running for office.  READ MORE»

Toxic White Masculinity: The Killer That Haunts American Life

By Chauncey DeVega, Salon

Joseph Nickell’s murderous rampage last weekend in Kentucky was not exceptional. That’s the terrifying part.  READ MORE»

Trump Had an Extramarital Affair with a Playboy Model and Tried to Pay Her Off: Report

By Travis Gettys, Raw Story

Playmate opens up to the New Yorker about cheating with Trump—just after Melania gave birth. READ MORE»

The GOP Is Conducting Cyber Warfare Against Political Opponents

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Automated Twitter storms, faked emails and fabricated endorsements are all part of the GOP's bag of dirty tricks. READ MORE»

The Trump Administration Wants to Make a Decades-Old Right-Wing Fantasy a Reality

By Simon Maloy, Media Matters

Conservatives have targeted the food stamps program since Reagan was in office. READ MORE»

Fox News Host Shep Smith Destroys Trump Claim That Russia Investigation Is a 'Hoax'


“If there was ever any question, even a single question, there is no more." READ MORE»

A Congressional Hearing for Trump's Accusers Is Political TNT: Could It Actually Happen?

By Liz Posner, AlterNet

All of the chips are in place, except for one important one. READ MORE»

Florida Teacher Who Hid 19 Students Slams Congress in Emotional Interview

By David Edwards, Raw Story

"Something has to be done." READ MORE»

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