Mortgage rates started the week slightly higher for the average lender, but still below last week's highs.  Most of what was lost yesterday was gained back today.   All of the above makes the recent movement seem bigger than it actually has been.  The last 5 business days have been some of the narrowest since mid-July with 30yr fixed rates moving less than 0.125% from trough to peak. [thirtyyearmortgagerates] The absence of volatility makes sense because there's also been an absence of big ticket economic data since last Wednesday. That will change tomorrow with the release of the Consumer Price Index (CPI). CPI is the most closely-watched monthly inflation report.  Given that inflation is the biggest reason for high rates, markets are poised to react to any unexpected results.  Traders already assume that fuel/energy inflation will push the headline number higher, but that "core inflation" (which excludes food/energy) will be in line with last month's reading. The rate market is more focused on core inflation.  If it surprises to the high side, rates would likely rise--potentially abruptly.  If it comes in lower than expected, rates would likely move down.  The larger the departure from expectations, the bigger the potential move. CPI will be released at 8:30am ET, which is before almost any mortgage lender has rates available to lock.  
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September 12, 2023
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Mortgage Rate Watch
Mortgage rates started the week slightly higher for the average lender, but still below last week's highs.  Most of what was lost yesterday was gained back today.   All of the above makes the recent movement seem bigger than it actual... (read more)
MBS Commentary
Bonds may be up a bit and down a bit between now and yesterday's close, but none of it is super consequential in the bigger picture.  Of course there are a few ways to view the bigger picture depending on how big you want to go.  Looking ba... (read more)
Rob Chrisman
Yesterday I listened to the CFPB’s Rohit Chopra discuss home loans. Today I head from Nashville to Chicago, both known all over the world. Here, the United States has everything: mountains, forests, plains, rivers, swamps, tropical jungles, glaciers,... (read more)
Mortgage Rates
MBS / Treasuries