These comments, in all there diversity, prove how spot on your article was!….. "You either love him or hate him!"
The one comment I will address head on is on Kirt Webster. Which the shocking accusations of sexual assault and mistreatment of others I take dead seriously. I never witnessed or heard about any of this outside that he was probably gay, which I could care less about. We (BMG) cancelled his and his companies services upon not only hearing about these, but other rumors that are starting to swirl. I hope to god this shit he is being accused of is not true as he has been nothing but a good friend to me. But if it comes to light that it is, I will be the first to cut the head off the snake.
Unfortunately, I believe sexual harassment is like cancer. We all know someone affected by it and it has to stop.
Robert Ritchie / Kid Rock
saw this popular comment on Reddit last week:
When someone says they like country music I put on Warren Zevon's "Werewolves of London" then I watch their face sour when they realize it isn't Kid Rock.
I saw him years ago at a post-grammy party in the Hollywood Hills and what amazed me most is, despite the fact that he made it in an industry that is built on bullshit, he is one of the most straight-shooting guys I’ve run across. He’s able to detect bullshit from miles away, and seems to have no tolerance for it. Probably why he’s succeeded at doing it his way – too many talented people start to believe the BS people around them say and lose their way and their edge. Not Kid Rock. He’s kept it real.
Lee Totten
Wow. The preachers of love & tolerance chime in...
Greg Malecki
Dude grows up privileged and has been posing ever since. FAKE ROCK. FAKE RAP. FAKE COUNTRY. FAKE WHITE TRASH. The guy has sold his FAKE AUTHENTICITY to a niche who would lynch the guy if they knew how badly he has been playing them all along!!!
Not buyin it. He sucks now and he always has.
Bob (Kid Rock) was on Continuum the Universal-distributed label I worked for in Cranford (the music capitol of NJ?) in the 90's.
He was always a straight shooter and he does bring it in concert. Never believed he was going to run for the Senate and he's kind of
bored when he isn't touring so why not pose with Palin at the White House for a laugh?
Bob Ardrey
For all of the vulgar replies you got for the Kid Rock post:
"People who live in glass houses should shut the fuck up."
All the best
Norm Levy
the amount of hate and's like a letter on Hillary or Trump.....amazing...maybe our problem ISN'T just Congress.
So very sad.
Thanks for your work,
Louis Heidelmeier
You definitely picked the right response email to launch this compilation - kudos! ;-P
Jason Steidman
These people need to smell the coffee kid rock is ok but sadly this how divided the country is i came to NYC and I know what reverse bigotry is you can not say the n word or the j word but if you were from the south there was nothing wrong saying good old boy or red Neck
Terry Rbodes
Great! Donald Trump plans on destroying our democracy as we know it and Kid Rock will destroy the music biz as we know it. What next? Mickey Mouse is taking over Hollywood?
Richard King
I commend you for being able to take all of this unmitigated horse shit!…..and from your “fans" no less? Whatever.
I guess it comes with your territory.
How you can hang in there and not take it all personally is way beyond me ….and most mere mortals.
Keep up the good work! Richie Rich deserves a little slack here and you gave it to him!
Good job.
Jeffrey Shoaf
Man, I don’t watch news anymore and I’m happier for it!!
There are some real negative people floating around out there. And the ones that accept KR seem to want to couch their reactions in surprise or kinda slither around about it.
The guy is genuine and that goes a long, long way in my book. He’s a bit sketchy but so what he does bring joy.
I’m appalled by the hate side of the reactions in your mailbag. Rather scary and evident that this country is in deep do do. Never realized it was that deep.
Thanks for your newsletter. Always a pleasure, Bob!!
Rich K.
Central Florida
Kid Rock a perfect product of his time . The same mentality that brought us jay wow and the Jersey Shore goofs.
Not your best blog .... But still a huge fan , keep making us think.
KID ROCK is an opportunist and self-created hype.
I can't remember the title of one of his songs, and
he has actively joined the Trumpster bandwagon,
which means he is supporting White Supremacy
and Authoritarian Immigration policies.
I assume you can choose for yourself what you write about,
and in this case, you made a bad choice on spilling ink.
Terry Wright
Big Blue Ocean Recordings, LLC
He lost me at “should of”.
L. Silver
All you need to know about Kid Rock is in this video. Good guy! Michael Edmondson
CrossroadsKC at Grinder’s
I am a bit of a liberal, but when did other peoples ideas become so toxic to liberals they have to resort to name calling? What ever happened to manners and tolerance? Kid Rock is not a Nazi, he just sees things differently than some people.
I guess diversity really doesn't include everyone, does it. Lighten up everyone, please!!
Stan Goman
It was great reading all those opinions about Kid Rock. Truth is he is "one of us" and works hard at what he does. It's all about the music for him for sure. AND ALSO the Working men & Women and the Ticket Buyers and His city of Detroit...and he gives of himself and gives to so many charities. He has lifted Detroit Up with all he gives and has given to that city. He is simply "The Man's, Man" (and you can insert woman here too, if you'd like.)
I'm from outside Detroit also and my dream is too meet him someday, However I do reside in Nashville now and I know he lives up the road from me! Someday!
Anyhoo, enjoyed it...I'm Happy You get Him...AND I loved Kid's Rock email there at the end! Great exclamation Mark!
Mary Hartman
PS - Any band or musician who thinks they are the cats pajamas should of been at The Eagles show sunday night at The Grand Ole Opry!! Simply untouchable in that environment.
Robert Ritchie / Kid Rock
Should've been or should have been...... lol
Jake Gold
The only thing I’ve never liked about Kid Rock is his use of the Confederate flag. That’s only because he’s a smart guy who came up in Detroit. He knows black folks and should know better about using that kind of symbolism - regardless of how *he* and other white folks view it (often as a symbol of the *nice* parts of the South, not the racist stuff), it’s seen as a painful reminder of racism, hillbillies, etc for minorities. I know Kid Rock knows black folks. If he just asked them openly and honestly, “How do you and your family feel about this symbol?” he’s have all the info he needed on that. I consider him an honest and genuine dude, so I just wish he’d do that and *listen.* And don’t just ask one dude, ask a lot. Get some real life data points on the board.
Short of that Confederate Flag stuff, the dude is legit. He makes cool songs and kicks ass.
I’m 32 and I remember seeing his songs/videos on MTV and they were just cool as hell. You can’t deny cool and you can’t deny quality.
I also always had a lot of respect for how much Rock respects black music and black culture and his historical roots in Detroit’s music scene.
He’s always seemed like a super rad dude.
-Evan Sanchez
Does anyone every talk about all the young white poor kids that didn’t join in on the white flight after the Watts riots? I remember being spit on called honkey every other day of my High School years. I had to take two buses in order to attend a High School out of my district in order not be beat up every day! I remember watching the fires from my Grandmothers house on 109th Place and after that my life changed! I never could stay after school because if I didn’t catch that bus a 3:30pm than I walked through my crime ridden neighborhood. One of my brothers became a junkie and my oldest brother left four years before the riots. From the 6th to the 12th grade all I remember was having blonde hair and blue eyes I was the devil! Nobody ever talks about this period. It’s truly a miracle I even graduated from High School! I have never heard this narrative! This is not PC so this won’t be shared and I understand.
Wayne Landry
How amusing to see so many liberals express so much hate. Pathetic. Worse, such animus over an individual's political point of view suggests that our nation is becoming Balkanized and that our society is in serious jeopardy. Funny that we don't see this level of intense hostility on the right.
Frank A. Gagliano
Just read the feedback to your Kid Rock post.
Kid Rock has a pretty extensive catalog of kick ass, fun music. And for some people, that's just not enough. When we were children, we didn't fall in love with music (whoever your band was that lit the flame) because of the message of the artist or their politics. We got hooked because the music was fun and the personalities and characters were appealing. Way back in 1984, Ratt was my first musical crush and their album Out Of The Cellar lit a fuse that has never burned out. I liked the way the music sounded. I liked Stephen Pearcy's voice (if you can imagine that) and the way his hair was forever covering half his face. I loved the guitar hooks and the superb production from Beau Hill. Most of all, I loved the way the music made me feel when I listened to it. And Kid Rock has done the same fucking thing for me for the last 20 years. Saw him live for the first time 2 years ago and the show was outstanding. He played multiple instruments and delivered non-stop energy throughout the entire show. And everyone in the sold out crowd was happy. But, shit, he visited the Trump White House. And for a lot of people that's simply unacceptable and therefore he's a hack. I can't think of a more ridiculous reason not to enjoy good music.
Neil Johnson
Anyone who supports Donald Trump is at least willing to tolerate racism. Anyone who supports Donald Tump wholeheartedly is a racist.
Geoffrey Weiss
Cant be all bad, most progressive bands came from Michigan anyway. Stooges, MC5, Frost, SRC, Mitch Ryder, and many more
John Green
Some of those most be fake. My money is on a room full of people paid to troll you, there seem to me too many similar themes. Self admitting 'libritards, 45 year music vetrans that have never heard a KR song?
Myles J Glynn
Av Guy
Well written ... you captured the truth being what it really is to be a Rock Star ... Keep on Rock'in .. Kid Rock!!
Scott Palazzo
This is beneath you. Or it should be.
You really need better friends. If these are the tolerant west coast lefties you laud and seek validation from, I’d really look for a vocation that plays to a better slice of humanity.
I thought it was a great honest and open interview. I liked how Rock said I don’t care if someone’s gay and wants to get married. Or how we said he’s more down the middle then to the right.
I respect what he’s built and won’t not like him based on the support of trump.
Jared Polin
Re: Kid Rock- really people ??
Bob- kinda scanned thru some responses on this piece... but didn't analyze like I would if it was something I cared about.
Whoa on the anger people. I thought you were the enlightened.
Pretend he's a black Muslim woman artist promoted by the neo- EU pop art movement - expressing thoughts.
Would there be that vitriol ? Think about it.
Best, Dale Flanigan - Cleveland OH
Bob . Kid Rock is an embarrassing relentless reminder of the OF American redneckness
In the rest of the world he's a turd . An embarrassment. Not a lot of talent., a dumb white flag waving self absorbed idiot. NOBODY in the rest of the world out side the USA gives him the time of day . Why ?
BecAuse he represents all that is shit about the good ol US OF A. He's like the barroom brawler with the fake irish accent.
I wish we had Better living rock idols.
Tom Petty is dead .he was authentic . Long live the king.
Kid rock doesnt even have a name . I can think of one. It starts with 'useless' and his sir name begins with a small c and has 4 letters.
Bob, don't give him credit for his moment of humility on the radio. I think you are scratching the barrel For a blog topic. Rid Kock
Michael Brunnock
Why does that kind of language need to be popped up on my phone summary where my kids can see it without even opening anything?What ever the politics or opinions some consideration might help.
Mark Schneider
Kid Rock replied to you and wrote: "should of been."
This pretty much sums up the whole story.
Deb Wilker
Someone sent me what you wrote about Kid Rock and I really appreciated it. My name is Tyler Mahan Coe. My father is David Allan Coe and I was the leader of his band for about 13 years, during which we worked with Kid Rock quite a bit and I can confirm that much of what you say about him and see in him is true.
Quote of the day: ""It's taken him a while to find his voice. He should keep looking"
Apparently with him and Trump taking the lead, you can say anything now and people will excuse it by saying "AT LEAST HE'S HONEST AND SAYS WHAT'S ON HIS MIND!"
If you disagree you're gay.
Glen Willows
American praise and adulation for mediocrity and the willingness to "belong".... ignorance is bliss
k d
Wow, what a span of opinions about KR...
He's one lucky SOB in that he grabbed one of the brass rings years ago...
That anyone is talking about him today seems amazing.
Most rockers show some evolving over time.
Maturity has not wasted a visit with this guy.
He strikes me as a very dull 'tool'.
Kevin Patrick Goulet
I'm going to write this, not to defend, but to show you that Kid Rock is all about the music:
A few of my musician friends (also all Detroit Tigers) fans went to Cheli's in Detroit a few years back to catch a Tigers playoff game in that awesome atmosphere. While at our table a busboy told one of my band mates that I reminded him of Kid Rock which was crazy to him because he's busing Kid Rock's table upstairs. So my boy, asks is there any chance I'd be able to meet him since i've been a fan of his hustle and straight up dedication from the very beginning. I actually molded our whole bands strategy around Kid Rock's 'never say die' motivated attitude. He wasn't able to pull any strings but when I caught wind that he was there I saw it as an opportunity to put us on his radar. (At that time we had been touring North America for about 6 years, had pushed well over 10,000 albums independently, had a single on a few Detroit and Flint stations, as well as a little steam on MTV2 and muchmusic in Canada). I went up to the bouncer at the stairs, asked him if I could go up, NO DICE. So i did the next best thing, found out where he parked and stationed myself at his truck until he ended his night and i'd hopefully get in a few words. My boys knew my dedication and didn't dispute or say a word. After a half hour or so one of them came out and told me that Kid Rock is downstairs at the bar, so I made my way in and sure enough there his is, Cigar in mouth, rocks glass of whatever liquor in hand, and hat on his head. I kind of eye'd up the situation for a moment, and then just said 'fuck it' and went for it. As he was about to make his way back upstairs I cut him off and put my arm around his neck like we were friends for years and said 'i'm a independent musician, and I will empty my pockets, and every dollar on my credit card for 5 minutes of your time'. No bullshit Mr.Lefsetz he looked at me, kind of grinned in a way that told me (Kid i remember when I was in your position) and then proceeded to saying 'come with me upstairs' so i followed and as I looked back at my group of friends they all had looks on their face that said 'Holy shit, whatever Mike just said, WORKED'. As we head upstairs we passed the bouncer, he shook his head with a smile and shook my hand, it was awesome. Once we got upstairs we were face to face in the hallway, I had his undivided attention (Chris Chelios came out at one point, as did KR'sgirllfriend and he introduced us to each other and let them know he'd be back in when we were done chatting). We discussed music, mutual friends and connections, even some of his projects he'd been working on, but most importantly he dialed in when I discussed our band. He said sing me something, so I sang our latest single which had been charting regionally, he said that's actually really good. Let me hear something else, you don't even have to sing it kid, you've proven you can sing (just so you know, hearing one of your biggest musical influences tell you you're good at what you've dedicated the majority of your life to is a feeling I can never fully describe). I worded the lyrics to our follow up single, yet to be released at the time, and he said 'I want to stay in touch, I don't know what i can do for you, if anything at all but take my email and keep me informed on what you guys are up to.' Everytime I emailed he responded btw. As the convo was ending I offered to buy him a drink which he said wasn't necessary, so I took it as our time is up and to head back down. I thanked him, and he said 'Hey kid, keep fighting the good fight' and also made sure I subscribed to YOUR newsletter which i've read ever since. On my way downstairs I passed that bouncer again and he said to me 'good for you' in a proud form of admiration. From there, I went outside and broke down and began crying as I was overcome with emotion. My best friend found me out there, saw me and began crying with me. He was the guy that introduced me to Kid Rock back in 1998 when Devil Without a Cause first came out, and we listened to that album non-stop, we were impressionable 17 year old kids and couldn't believe how over the top and badass this rock meets rap guy from Detroit was.
So whether people have good or bad to say about him, I always defend him, because opportunities don't come often in the music industry and he could've easily told me to 'Fuck off' when I approached him but he didn't. I truly believe he saw the hunger in my eyes, and that passion and fire that a young dedicated musician has. So here I am, once again with tears in my eyes telling you this story, still pushing along trying to make something of myself in this crazy business. Cheers to you Bob, and to you Kid Rock, your five minutes of time gave me a lifetime of drive!!!
Mike O'Phee
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