Dear VB Reader,
It’s closing time. You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here on this email page, debating whether or not you should take advantage of the very last sale on MB 2017 tickets before you miss out and are stuck with full price.
The 23.6% percent off deal is almost gone!
Register now with code GOLDEN-EM
MB 2017, SF, July 11 + 12
Flash sale ends tonight at 11:59pm
Register now to find out how IBM has seen adoption rates increase five fold and has pushed a 20 percent increase in mobile traffic. Or how Airbnb has developed proprietary algorithms that have increased conversions and driven significant growth. How the NYT has taken a lift from the election and run with it, boosting their user LTV to unprecedented heights. And 30 other powerhouse brands who will share how they’re getting unprecedented results through AI investment.
Most importantly: How you can take these lessons, learnings, insights and warnings back to your own company to make it bigger, brighter and more future proof when you invest in AI technology.
And … you’ll also get to vote for the winner of the MB AI-hackathon taking place this weekend, where developer teams will be hunkered down to create the most innovative AI application in record time. The finalists will be onsite at MobileBeat and the winner will be announced on the main stage based on your votes!
We’re really looking forward to seeing you there. And there’s still a little time to get in and register with code GOLDEN-EM for the very last deal before the conference is go.
Welcoming our new robot overlords,
Matt Marshall
Founder & CEO