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MM International for John Do |
| | Digital technologies | Exploring robotic process automation | In HR units, robotic process automation offers flexibility, improved accuracy, improved employee morale, detailed data capture and also allows quality time to innovate and focus on customer satisfaction. MM International has also listed down a few guidelines for incorporating RPA at the workplace. more |
| | Digitalisation in HR | Four core benefits of using chatbots | In human resource departments, diverse functions such as on-boarding, interacting with employees, impactful learning and tracking employee performance are now being handed over to chatbots. The digitalisation of this process has fast tracked the functioning of HR teams. more |
| | | | Industry trend | Human resource enters the digital age | Digitalisation is slowly making its presence felt in the human resource department of numerous companies. With the assistance of digital technologies, HR managers can now focus on more important aspects relating to their employees rather than being caught up with mundane work processes and paperwork. MM International shares an overview about the subject, read on to know more... more |
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