The Latest Stories from KQED Science
Donate to KQED and your gift will be doubled! | In honor of World Press Freedom Day, Craig Newmark Philanthropies will match all donations up to $100,000. Donate now to have your gift doubled in support of reliable, fact-based journalism. Give Now |
Scorpions Are Predators With a Sensitive Side | Look past their grasping claws and lightning-fast stingers, and you'll see scorpions have a delicate pair of comb-like organs on their belly called pectines. These sensory body parts help them navigate and figure out who's a menace, a meal or a mate. | |
Meet the Students Who Got San Mateo County High Schools to Declare a Climate Emergency | Teenagers in San Mateo County have successfully convinced two of the county's three high school districts to declare a climate emergency. | |
The Next Big Business in a Warming World? Mud | Coastal communities will need massive amounts of mud and dirt to protect their shorelines from rising seas. | |
After Last Year's Catastrophic Wildfire Season, California Braces for One Possibly Worse | After one of the most destructive and extreme wildfire seasons in modern history, widening drought is creating conditions even worse than last year. | |
| Bridge Bank | Bridge Bank’s Life Sciences Group is a local team of experienced bankers with a national footprint. We work with life sciences companies in all stages of development to provide capital resources and customized solutions that fit your credit and banking needs. Visit to get started. |
FDA Expected to Greenlight Pfizer Vaccine for Ages 12 to 15 Next Week | According to a federal official and a person familiar with the process, shots could be set up for many adolescents and teens before the beginning of the next school year. | |
EVENT: Big Wave Surfing and Climate Change | Join KQED science reporter Kevin Stark and local big wave surfers for a free, online event all about how climate change and Bay Area tides. | |
California's Forest Climate Program Could Actually Be Increasing CO2 | New research shows that California's climate policy created up to 39 million carbon credits that aren't achieving real carbon savings. But companies can buy these forest offsets to justify polluting more anyway. | |
Where Has It Gotten Warmer in the US? Just About Everywhere | The new United States normal is not just hotter, but wetter in the eastern and central parts of the nation and considerably drier in the West than just a decade earlier. | |
And Now … Fire Season. This Year, It's Especially Important to Prepare. Here's How | With dry conditions and drought, this fire season could start early. Protect yourself, your family and your neighborhood by preparing now for a bad wildfire. | |
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