Why These Canadians Are Applying for Trudeau’s Black Entrepreneurship Fund
Why These Canadians Are Applying for Trudeau’s Black Entrepreneurship Fund | In September, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a nearly $221-million investment in Canada’s first Black Entrepreneurship Program (BEP). This program will help thousands of Black entrepreneurs across the country not only recover from the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis, but grow their businesses through the years (hopefully) beyond the pandemic. But a month on from Trudeau’s announcement, few details have been announced regarding the BEP, including when it will launch, when entrepreneurs can begin to apply or how the funding will be allocated. And many entrepreneurs have said what the government is offering is simply throwing money at a deep-rooted systemic issue, and that the fund’s focus on loans feels counterproductive. Here, six business owners get real about what they hope the fund can do for them, despite the challenges it presents. | | | |