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Cannabis Business Times Newsletter How to Grow Mother’s Milk
| Cultivation information for growers, from breeders. |
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MCBA Executive Director Amber Littlejohn says the data paints a bleak picture of social equity in the industry. |
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SPONSORED FEATURE | Agnetix: Responsive Agriculture The Agnetix ZENITH and PHENOM LED lighting platforms are the most efficient and technologically advanced on the market. They address the aspects that cultivators and enterprise-level business owners are most concerned with: the ability to monitor their crops health at a glance – remotely if desired – and energy efficiency. Click Here to Learn More |
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The measure, which would cap the amount of THC at 10% for flower and 15% for concentrates, has faced opposition from the state’s dispensaries. |
In this installment, CBT presents an up-close look at the tools and habits behind the California operation. |
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The conservative medical cannabis legalization bill faces a tight deadline in both the Senate and the House. |
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