This week's MarTech Newsletter is brought to you by: Leads Rx


If you’re not measuring how your marketing campaigns are performing, you are falling behind. LeadsRx has one customer, a furniture retailer, who – armed with multi-touch attribution (MTA) data – was able to determine which TV show was providing the best reach of its advertising.

“I was shocked,” the retailer’s ecommerce manager said when reviewing attribution data pointing to the high-performing program. “It had so many conversions, it was unreal, and it was only two spots. It was an expensive spot, but for the amount of conversions you got, you need to look at buying more of them. People are taking action from this show.”

If we can do that with offline channels, imagine what MTA and customer journey analytics can do for digital channels? The fact is, our solutions help marketers increase top line revenue and reduce wasted ad spend using advanced attribution techniques that measure ALL marketing channels.

Another customer, a Pittsburgh-based multi-media company that serves as an agency for several of its radio advertisers, helped a power equipment dealer not just survive, but thrive through the pandemic by examining performance of digital and social media advertising, as well as its ads on its own radio stations.

Check out our handy guide, “Why Attribution Will Change the Way You Market,” to learn how to:

  • Perform marketing attribution for online and offline programs
  • Include view-through impression attribution for display ads
  • Change attribution models in real time for deeper analysis
  • Integrate with shopping carts, including Shopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, Adobe Commerce, and Shopify Plus
  • See a Return On Ad Spend (ROAS) analysis by each marketing channel
  • Get a list of top sources of customer conversion events including the paths seen most frequently
  • Receive a CMO-ready performance marketing reporting dashboard

And check out this video that explains how to do marketing attribution correctly