Good morning, Marketers, and place your bets on the future of virtual events.

I think all of us — journalists and publishers, marketers and vendors — understand that virtual events will be a critical part of our lives for at least another six months, if not a year. But after that? 

Everyone has an opinion. I’ve certainly been arguing that there’s not putting the genie back in the bottle: the kinds of virtual events which work well will be with us indefinitely, not least because of their potential reach. One person who would agree with me is Sharat Sharan, co-founder and CEO of ON24, the digital experience platform. Last fall he told me: “We’re all looking forward to physical events coming back, but the trend towards more online customer engagement has been accelerated, and that is going to continue. I don’t think it’s a reversible trend.”

ON24 is inviting people to bet that Sharat is right. As we reported last week, the company filed for an IPO on the back of strong growth in 2020 (after a couple of years of net losses). With some 7,000 vendors in the martech space, it’s inevitable that someone writing about the space knows some of them better than others (and some, I confess, not at all). In my various roles as a tech journalist, ON24 has had a kind of ubiquity. I’ve written about them, of course. I’ve interviewed Sharat more than once. I’ve used their webinar platform. But I’ve also appeared at their Webinar World conference, and co-hosted ON24 webinars with their Mark Bornstein — six feet plus of irrepressible enthusiasm, and self-designated Chief Webinerd. If you’ve ever seen a Bornstein webinar, you’ll know what I mean.

Which is all to say that I’ll be following the course of the IPO with particular interest. And, along with everyone else, I’ll be following what happens with virtual events when — at last — we have in-person events again.

Kim Davis
Editorial Director


Marketing as a Business Driver: 7 essential lessons

Although his current title is Chief Growth Officer, Scott Vaughan has essentially been occupying a CMO seat for some ten years. In his latest contributed piece for MarTech Today, he looks back over the last decade and extracts some actionable lessons on how B2B marketing has grown from a brand-creative cost center to a functional driver of business growth.

Among the learnings he offers: 

  • Martech doesn’t matter if you don’t have the strategy and talent to deliver;
  • Invest in data, and get your data right;
  • Stop chasing the attribution grail; and
  • Be a silo buster.

“Accessible to us [today],” he writes, “are data strategies, tech efficiencies, machine learning models, precision marketing solutions, and various ways to apply content to surround buyers, identify in-market accounts and generate measurable revenue and business value.”

Read more here.


Don't miss tomorrow's webinar-- 'How to build a marketing system of record'

Exceptional marketers ready to lead the comeback in 2021 need to innovate faster, and be able to quickly pivot budget, resources and plans when the company or strategic direction changes. With a Marketing System of Record, all work can be visible, trackable and actionable, allowing you to create end-to-end processes for any contingency. Join this webinar and learn how a Marketing System of Record can bring greater efficiency and consistency to creative work and marketing campaigns, while allowing your team to prove their value.

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Direct Mail

Vericast launches “save”

Vericast, the marketing solution aimed at influencing consumer behavior at scale, has announced the launch of “Save,” a deals and savings aggregator delivered as direct mail of free-standing inserts. Research by Vericast business unit Valassis suggests consumers have a high propensity to retain print ads of interest for more than a week. It has also long been understood that direct mail messages, unlike online ads, can readily be seen by whole households.

Why we care. Direct mail is not going away any time soon, and just like digital marketing, it’s increasingly data-driven. But in any case, an online version of “Save” is planned for later in 2021.


Unlock actionable tactics to measure search marketing success

Join us online, February 23 at SMX Report: a deep dive into everything you need to know about analytics for search marketing. Book now for just $99!

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Quote of the day

“What do you think of this 2021 New Year’s resolution for Digital Marketers? ‘Try one tool for 30 minutes every week.’ That is all it takes to up your marketing technology skills in no time…Did you know 58% of Martech tools offer a free trial? Well, what are you waiting for?” Frans Reimersma, founder, Martech Tribe.