March 2022 Newsletter

Who is Swami Kriyananda?

Dear John,

The sounds of the traffic were clear through the open windows—windows that had to be open to survive the heat: the tinkling of a bicycle bell to warn stray dogs of a rickshaw’s approach, the gentle lowing of a wandering cow in search of a dropped leaf of lettuce or banana peel. So very distinct from the constant roar of the ...

25% Off

Swami Kriyananda
As We Have Known Him

Ends March 31st.

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New Titles

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Autobiography of a Yogi
75th Anniversary Edition

Invitation to Join Us for a
Retreat to Find Your Creativity

With Dana Lynne Andersen and Asha Nayaswami
Crystal Clarity Publishers cordially invites you to our special weekend retreat: A Love Celestial: Communion Through Creativity, Thursday, May 19 — Sunday, May 22, 2022.

Renowned artist Dana Lynne will guide us in a joyful, creative process to experience deep inner communion with the divine. Sessions include inspirational music and simple movement that opens us to our inner flow. No “artistic talent” or previous experience is necessary. This work is not about art, but rather using the tools of creativity for expanding our awareness.

This is a rare opportunity as this retreat will be limited to a small intimate group to allow for one-on-one interaction with Dana Lynne and special guest instructor, Asha.

Experience the vibrant peace and beautiful hacienda setting amid avocado and citrus trees.  Our Ananda Farm and Retreat is located just outside of Temecula about an hour north of Encinitas.

Author's Insights

Education for Life
Interview with
Michael Nitai Deranja

Michael Nitai Deranja founded the first Living Wisdom School in 1972. Nitai has overseen the development of schools based on the Education for Life philosophy in California, Oregon, Washington, and Europe: Italy and Slovenia.
Read full interview
25% off until March 31st!
Join Crystal Clarity's Bhakti Brigade
Crystal Clarity's Bhakti Brigade is now 26 strong, with devotees from around the world! Its goal is to magnetize Crystal Clarity's social media, Amazon, and YouTube posts to help spread Master's message to hungry souls worldwide.

Every week, we send out a call to action via the Bhakti Brigade WhatsApp group. Heartfelt and experiential posts are welcome, as well as simple likes, hearts or shares on Crystal Clarity content. We will be starting with Bharat Cornell's latest book, Flow Learning.

We've also provided a Bhakti Share Page with photos, links, and suggestions on all the ways to post. 

March Special Offer
Books by Asha Nayaswami
50% Off
Ends March 31st
Planned Releases in this Year

Coming February - June 2022
Autobiography of a Yogi, 75th Anniversary Edition (
smaller travel version),
     Paramhansa Yogananda

Shaped by Saints,
Devi Mukherjee
The Essential Flower Essence Handbook, Revised, Liladevi
Wisdom of Yogananda: Yogananda Answers, Paramhansa Yogananda
Kriya Yoga: Spiritual Awakening for a New Age,
Nayaswami Devarshi

Coming July - December 2022
Wisdom of Kriyananda: Building Spiritual Power Against Troubled Times,
Swami Kriyananda
The Yogic Way of Integrity,
Naidhruva Rush 

Wisdom Stories Vol. 2: Stories from India, Vol. 2, Paramhansa Yogananda
Art, Creativity and the Spiritual Path,
Dana Lynne Andersen

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, CA 90022  

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