Get the results you want in Perth's economy
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Getting the Results You Want in a Tight Economy

Easter Long weekend could be Planning & Implementation weekend with a chocolate or two.  
Action packed 3 hrs workshop style event which enables you to bring diversification, alternate ways of generating income in your business and also how your business can thrive in this economy.
Excellent presenters; Rueben Taylor, Gail Rogerson and Michael McLeod have dedicated there time to share their knowledge with you.

Sponsored by Sitting Rooms
Thursday; 24th March 2016; 4PM
Venue: Sitting Rooms
484 Albany Hwy, Vic Park

Learning Objectives:
  • The top 5 trends that are impacting Perth businesses and how you can profit from them
  • The key points to focus on to ensure your business thrives in any economy
  • How not to be a slave to your business and seeking alternate streams of income.
Book Your Spot:

Perth's BIGGEST Small Business Expo
Perth is gearing up for it's BIGGEST Small Business Expo on the 8th July at Ascot Raceway. 10am – 6pm.
Phase 1 at $229 - SOLD OUT
Phase 2 - 50% Gone - Be Quick before prices go up
This expo will feature 200 exhibitor stands from various industries servicing Perth’s small business community. 

Click here to make your booking before the stalls fly.
Register to attend free and avoid $20 door fee.

Featured Exhibitor: Starting Soon
To be featured, please pick the promo pack when booking the exhibitor stand


Member Events:

Fast Tracking Your Business Growth Through The Power of Free Media Exposure
By Nicole Ashby; High Profit Media
31st March 6PM-9PM
"Being featured by mainstream media outlets is like adding kerosene to a fire - your business will attract more attention, more sales and more credibility in a heartbeat. I know this because I did it over and over again and over again with my business..."
Register Now for only $47

Attract Money & Wealth Into Your Life
30th March 6:30 - 9PM
How would you like to learn the secret to attract real wealth into your life.
Would you like to know how I generated $15,000 in 6 weeks?
You can choose to live a life of abundance and wealth.
Register Now - Special Offer $47

By Sondergaard Accountants Wednesday, 6 April 2016; 5:30PM to 7PM
Innaloo, WA

MediaMax Small Business Expo & Networking
29th April 2016 3PM -9PM,  Balcatta
Call Max: 0422713272

Make Nifnex Part of Your Business Development Plans for 2016
Join the Nifnex Success Academy - Click here for Expression of Interest
New Membership Plans 2016 

We have plans to suit YOU.

Would you like to be part of a growing community to learn and share your knowledge with each other?
Busy lifestyle and can't commit to attending every event?
You run workshops that you would like us to promote?
You write articles that you would like to share with business owners?
A 50% discount to attend the Academy events when you can make it?
You want more presence online and encourage Nifnex handshakes?
Then Silver membership is for you - ONLY $229 plus gst per year

You want all of the above plus more?
You are committed to engaging with business owners?
You are committed to attending atleast 4  networking events a year?
You love writing articles that you want us to publish in print?
Personal branding is important to you?
Then Gold Membership is perfect. $495 plus gst annual or pay by the month

Want all silver and gold benefits plus more?
Public speaking and giving back to the community is important to you?
You want to grow your own personal brand by way of consulting?
You like One-to-One but One-to-Many is your direction for 2016?
Then Platinum is the way to go. Only $795 plus gst annual or pay by the month

Click Here to express your interest please.

Have an awesome day.


Zeeshan Pasha
CEO Nifnex Success Academy
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Perth, Western Australia 6000

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