"Legacy is a show about the beautiful, the truthful and the ugly of South Africa today," creator and executive producer Phathu Makwarela tells Channel24's TV editor Leandra Engelbrecht during a Zoom interview. On Monday, 21 September M-Net's daily telenovela Legacy launches; it's the channel's first one in years, a fact that didn't escape Phatu and his writing partner, Gwydion Beynon, when they first pitched to the broadcaster. The writing duo is behind Tshedza Pictures and together their writing credits include Igazi, Muvhango, Jacob's Cross, Zone 14, Skeem Saam, The Queen, Rockville and Uzalo. Legacy is a first of its kind for South African television, set in the world of investment billionaires and follows a powerful family, the Prices. The story centres on an upmarket investment empire built by Sebastian Price, the patriarch of the super-wealthy Price family. About to retire, he must hand over the reins of the business, but to who? A power struggle between his ex-wife, his eldest daughter, his second wife and his son soon turn nasty leading to betrayal, secrets, lies and revenge. |