Before you grab lunch today ... ...
Hey it's Mike. Before you grab lunch today… Give me a call: 1-800-496-2779 I'll be around between 9am and 3pm EST. We've got something important to discuss: your one-time chance at Partnership – which is expiring tonight. Now if you've watched Porter's video, you understand… Becoming an Alliance Partner is a serious decision. That's why it's critical you get in touch with me right away and decide – before Midnight tonight – if "Partnership" makes sense for you. Because if we don't hear from you today – you will never see this chance again. Many folks have told me, they felt some butterflies in their stomach when they decided to join. One Partner, Laura P. said: "The Alliance subscription seemed expensive at first… until I compared it to what financial investment advisors charge. Now I congratulate myself for subscribing when I did and locking in what now seems like a bargain price. I have never regretted the subscription." Henk W. told me: "It was a major investment that cost me at least one sleepless night. But it turned out to be my best investment ever." And Tyler S. wrote us this note: "When I first paid for my membership, I probably couldn't afford it. I was just starting my career as a family dentist and starting to get interested in investing, politics, economics and life in general. I thank my lucky stars that even though I shouldn't have purchased a membership because my finances were modest, I purchased it anyway. It's been a good thing that I've learned about investing before I actually had money to invest." I won't beat around the bush. You've got an important decision to make. My job is to make sure you won't have any regrets. Because when this offer expires – that's it. Like I said, you will not see this opportunity again. Whatever you do, don't let this chance slip away – without speaking to me first. I've cleared my schedule to answer any questions you have about this offer, between 9am and 3pm, Eastern, today. So make sure you call me during that window of time. In fact, you might want to print out this email and stick it on your desk – so you don't forget. The number is: 1-800-496-2779 Talk soon. Regards, Michael Cottet Director of Member Services Stansberry Research P.S. Remember – by joining today you'll save $10,000. But you're not making a FINAL decision. If you change your mind, you'll have all the way through February 14, 2017 to request a refund. If you're at all on the fence, I suggest you get in touch with me right away. Because when this one-day offer expires – you will never see it again… I'm at 1-800-496-2779.
You can also enroll online here.
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