Dear Reader, I found that, no matter what they say, people generally don’t like surprises. We want to know what the future holds so we can make plans and feel like we are in control of our lives. That in itself is, of course, an illusion. But with the right information, we can come pretty close to certainty though we can never fully achieve it. This is why I hope you consider joining the Over My Shoulder family at just $9.95 a month today. When you do, you’ll also get the full-length interviews from our “7 Deadly Economic Sins” Week with Louis Gave, George Friedman, Peter Boockvar, Sam Rines, Grant Williams, Bill White, Lacy Hunt, and myself. I feel very lucky to have my network of “second-level” thinkers who feed me priceless information on what’s coming down the pike. Thanks to their amazing research, I feel that not much can surprise me. I want you to experience this comforting feeling as well. You are not alone, nor do you have to be. If you are worried that you can’t make the time to read all of the Over My Shoulder issues, don’t be. My co-editor Patrick Watson and I sum up the research we send you, so that you can skim over the key points and decide if the issue needs your immediate attention. Remember, Over My Shoulder is specifically designed with your convenience in mind. Ideally, it shouldn’t take you more than a couple of minutes to vet each issue. And since there are no time-sensitive investment recommendations, you can leave it all for the weekend... or even skip some issues here and there if they don’t pertain to your situation or interests. We do the research so you won’t have to. At only $9.95 a month. If you act now, you’ll can still claim your 33% discount before the offer expires, as well as your two valuable bonus gifts. If you wait past midnight on Tuesday, October 29, all of that goes away. Remember, you can cancel anytime you want, so you are not really taking any risk when you give Over My Shoulder a try. And as an extra thank-you for subscribing, we’ll lock in your low monthly subscription fee so you’ll never pay more as long as you remain a subscriber. Click here to read all the details or take the short cut here to subscribe right away. Your surprises are overrated analyst, John Mauldin Co-Founder