
All the latest news, prosecutions and products from the fire safety industry

Listen to the latest episode of the Safety & Health podcast with Gill Kernick, an ex-resident of Grenfell Tower, discussing why she believes lessons aren’t being learnt following Grenfell.

We outline some key considerations businesses and safety officers may need to take into account when updating fire risk assessments as employees begin to return to the workplace.

Barbour EHS’ upcoming webinar will focus on the Fire Safety Bill and Building Safety Bill, as the panel discusses what they mean for professionals in the fire and safety sectors.


Register for the upcoming FIREX Tech Talks, taking place 23rd March. We’ll be joined by the likes of Baldwin Boxall, Promat from Etex Group and Rottguard, as they show off their latest innovations to fire safety professionals, all hosted by professional broadcaster, Jo Pickard. Join the live sessions by registering for free!