Meet sweet Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have shared the first portrait of their daughter in celebration of her first birthday, which she celebrated on Saturday, 4 June. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex invited close friends and family to gather for a "casual, intimate backyard picnic" on Saturday at their Frogmore Cottage home, a spokesperson for the couple shared on Monday. Photographer Misan Harriman, who attended Lilibet's party with his wife and children, took the "candid, spontaneous photograph that the Duke and Duchess are pleased to share," the spokesperson added. Per People, Baker Claire Ptak from East London's Violet Bakery – who made Harry and Meghan's wedding cake – made the tiny tot's birthday party cake. Sharing the photo, along with others, on Twitter, Harriman wrote: "It was such a privilege to celebrate the 1st birthday of Lilibet with my family and hers! Joy and face painting all around." Click 'read more' to see the adorable photo. |