No images? Click here Learn to write simple Linux shell scriptsYou'd never get any work done if you typed every command that needs to be run on your Linux system when it starts. Likewise, you could work more efficiently if you grouped together sets of commands that you run all the time. Shell scripts can handle these tasks. A shell script is a group of commands, functions, variables, or just about anything else you can use from a shell. These items are typed into a plain-text file. That file can then be run as a command. Linux systems have traditionally used system initialization shell scripts during system startup to run commands needed to get services going. You can create your own shell scripts to automate the tasks that you need to do regularly. In Chapter 7 of Liniux Bible 10th Edition, Christopher Negus provides an overview of the inner workings of shell scripts and how they can be used. You'll learn how simple scripts can be harnessed to a scheduling facility (such as cron or at ) to simplify administrative tasks or just run on demand as they are needed. Linux Bible, 10th EditionLinux Bible, 10th Edition is the ultimate hands-on Linux user guide, whether you're a true beginner or a more advanced user navigating recent changes. Learn Linux today!Access these books and talks, plus hundreds of others, in our dev-first platform. Start your monthly subscription today for just $9 per month. Until next time, Level 1, 110 Johnston St, Fitzroy VIC 3065 Australia You're receiving this email because you signed up to receive news from SitePoint. Smart choice! Share Tweet Share Forward Preferences | Unsubscribe |