Dear Colleague, The FierceBiotech Drug Development Forum, (Oct. 1–3, Boston) brings together 100+ biotech speakers – nearly all at the C-suite or VP level – to discuss the greatest challenges and breakthroughs that FierceBiotech has covered all year long! Don’t miss out on these in-depth sessions on business strategy and drug development:
PURSUE BREAKTHROUGH APPROVALS IN MULTIPLE GLOBAL MARKETS Julian Adams, CEO, GAMIDA CELL Roy Baynes, CMO, Senior Vice President, Clinical Development, MERCK Maria Fardis, CEO, IOVANCE Amrit Ray, Global President, R&D, PFIZER ESSENTIAL HEALTH Martine Zimmerman, Senior Vice President, Global Regulatory Affairs, ALEXION PHARMACEUTICALS
Recognize when Novel Technologies can Disrupt Standard Business Development Dolores Baksh, Innovation Leader, GE HEALTHCARE Steven Holtzman, CEO, DECIBEL THERAPEUTICS Nouhad Husseini, Vice President, Head of Business Development, REGENERON Kim Seth, Executive Vice President, Head of Business and Corporate Development, REPARE THERAPEUTICS Praveen Tipirneni, CEO, MORPHIC THERAPEUTICS
Improve Orphan Drug Strategy so Your Company can Grow Up with Your Patients Holly May, Vice President, Sales and Marketing, SOBI Amit Rakhit, CMO, OVID THERAPEUTICS
Meet and Beat Ambitious Growth Plans to Surpass Investor Expectations Jonathan Garen, CBO, UNIQURE Luca Santarelli, CEO, THERACHON Dan Wechsler, CEO, MELINTA THERAPEUTICS |