How much would you really love to know when your customers ready to buy? It sounds like the Holy Grail of the commerce world, doesn’t it?
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When is your customer ready to buy? Find out by using LeadScoring. 
How much would you really love to know when your customers ready to buy? It sounds like the Holy Grail of the commerce world, doesn’t it?

Well, using our LeadScoring can actually help answer that question. Part of our Tracking functionality, LeadScoring follows (and helps define) your customers’ journey from being an entirely unknown quantity, engaging with your content for the first time, to becoming a named and known individual.
How does it work?
More or less every type of action taken by your visitors is measurable and usable by our platform. For example, within our Tracking setup, MarketingPlatform can record an ‘’Add to Basket’’ action and gather all the information associated with this action that is usually only communicated internally within your webshop. 

Every activity - such as a click or action as described above, or a page view, an opened campaign and the steps in a purchase flow - can then be assigned a value. You decide what this value is in each case, and what they mean in terms of your customers’ buying journeys. 

You can then work out from the cumulative score of these actions where your customer is on their journey, what they need to take the next step, and ultimately, how ready they are to buy.

And don’t forget, our LeadScore functionality is fully adjustable to match your business’s specific needs - whether you are selling cars or clothing -  helping you identify the true potential of your visitors.
LeadScoring also helps you serve up just the right content at just the right time
Every action your visitor takes will accumulate a LeadScore that will allow you to generate segmented communications helping your customer move towards the all important purchasing decision. And your marketing campaigns can target people with a specific score, specific actions and different behaviours – or any combination of all these.
Get in touch with us and learn how LeadScoring can help you
If you’re the “self-starter” kind of person, you can get always get some tips and tricks about our LeadScoring tool here. If however, you’d like some help getting started, you could also book an informal, no-obligation demo today with one of our knowledgeable sales team and see how you can use LeadScoring to really understand your audience. 
All the very best to you all

Matthew Ogden, Director of Marketing and Communications
MarketingPlatform, Nørregade 12a,
6600 Vejen, Denmark
+45 72 44 44 44 
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