We need your help.

We have just eight hours left in our Passover campaign, and I’m asking you to make a generous contribution right now to protect the Forward’s freedom to tell the Jewish story fairly and freely.

With just a few hours to go, will you make a generous Passover gift to support the Forward?

Yes! I Want To Help

In a sea of disinformation, the Forward parts the waters to get to the truth. Our fiercely independent stance allows us to provide accurate, fair and nuanced reporting on issues often overlooked by mainstream media. You can depend on us to always seek the truth and be transparent with our readers. That’s our promise to you.

Our members make that promise possible. Make a generous Passover gift today and become a member of the Forward!

With gratitude,

Rachel Fishman Feddersen

Publisher and CEO

The Forward

P.S. Just hours to go! I’m counting on. you to support the Forward this Passover!
