Crowne Plaza Harrisburg-Hershey23 S 2nd St, Harrisburg, PA
This Friday, September 23rd 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Choose your ticket level
VIP Sensory Experience & Tasting $150 per person: 5:00 - 6:00 pmCome to this one-of-a-kind Sensory Experience with Master of Senses Massimo Leonori and awaken your senses! This also includes VIP access and access to the General Admission area.VIP Tasting $125 per person: 5:30 - 7:00 pmEarly access with heavy appetizers, dessert and limited crowds. Also includes access to the General Admission area.General Admission $75 per person: 7:00 - 9:00 pmIncludes access to all 200+ wines and light appetizers. Designated Driver $25 per personTicket includes access to the event, appetizers and nonalcoholic beverages. Wine tastings are not included.