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Monday, 23 September 2019


Government approves emergency measures to alleviate damage caused by storms and other natural disasters

The government will allocate aid and subsidies to repair homes, establishments, small-holdings and infrastructures. It will also establish tax breaks for companies and individuals affected. The provisional amount of the aid could amount to 774 million euros.


Pedro Snchez, interviewed on La Sexta

The Acting President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, was interviewed by the journalist Antonio Garca Ferreras for a special edition of the programme 'Al Rojo Vivo' [Red Hot], on the television channel La Sexta. The interview took place live from Moncloa Palace.


Pedro Snchez reiterates government's commitment to defence of legality and co-existence in Catalonia

​The Acting President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, advocated guaranteeing equal opportunities and rights throughout Spain and dialogue within the framework of the Constitution in the Lower House of Parliament.


Pedro Snchez argues that Spain needs a stable and cohesive government

The Acting President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, after informing the King that he will not propose a candidate for the investiture to the Lower House, argued that the "far-reaching challenges" the country is facing requires a government "for a full term of office".


Pedro Snchez congratulates Men's Basketball Team on becoming world champions in Beijing

The Acting President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, received the Men's Basketball Team that won the World Cup final in Beijing on Sunday. The team travelled to Moncloa Place upon their arrival in Madrid from China and after being received by the King and Queen at Zarzuela Palace.


Pedro Snchez visits areas affected by flooding in provinces of Almeria and Albacete

The Acting President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, visited the provinces of Almeria and Albacete, where he had the chance to see first-hand the effects of the storms. Pedro Snchez flew over the areas affected by torrential rainfall in Cabo de Gata, Njar, Caudete and Almansa, accompanied by the Acting Minister for Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera.


Ministry of Public Works takes part in first validation test on future remote beacon activation service of Galileo navigation satellite system


Spanish participation and priorities in United Nations High-Level Week


Fernando Grande-Marlaska stresses that a system to distribute migrants within the EU should encompass the whole Mediterranean and any type of vessel


Tourism sector consolidates position as main driver of job creation in Spain


Queen Letizia and the Acting Minister for Education and Vocational Training inaugurate new school year in Torrejoncillo (Caceres)


Spanish Cultural Heritage Institute (IPCE) Archive, now online

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