CPG market share. Location proximity. What you need to know.
| | From market share to store visits, some stats that quantify the mega-merger’s potential impact. READ MORE |
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| | In this live edition of SN Off the Shelf, SN editors break down the latest around the Kroger, Albertsons merger, in addition to fielding questions from an industry audience. Listen in. TAKE A LISTEN |
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| Happy Friday. We asked: If this merger goes through, will we see other M&A deals / brick-and-mortar consolidation in the industry? -- You answered: Yes, absolutely (83%) No, it won't do that (15%) Other, tell us in the comments (3%) -- The vast majority of you believe this deal could trigger more industry consolidation. Here's what else you had to say: Kenneth Doepp, Grocery Leadership at Lowes Foods This will probably go thru they’ll have sell off to other competitors. It reminds me of the ahold/delhaize merger. Don’t know the behind scenes of either M&A just thought I share what I think could happen Eric Johnson, Customer Development Manager Agreed! Hard to see how they will not have to divest a significant number of stores in their top markets. ** Do you agree? Have another thought? Weigh in on our LinkedIn poll here, or email SN Executive Editor Chloe Riley at [email protected]. And have a great weekend. WHAT DO YOU THINK? |
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