Magnetic Levitation Top, Old Hard Drive Planar Speaker, Miniature Dowel Sculptures | |
| | | | Today's Staff Picks | | | | | Kinetic Sand Drawing Robot by aidenvigue in Robots |
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| | | | Magnetic Levitation Top by Wedlich Workshop | |
| | Old Hard Drive Planar Speaker by JGJMatt | |
| | | | Biomimetic Compliant Gripper by alexboniske1 | |
| | Hacking the Dials of Destiny by ST‑Geotronics | |
| | | | Shou Sugi Ban Wall Lizard by AnitaH25 | |
| | 3D Printed RC Car by Logan57 | |
| | | | | | Miniature Dowel Sculptures by jbumstead | |
| | 3D Printed Pumping Foilboard by LouisPruniere | |
| | | | Open-Source 3D Input Device by Görkem | |
| | Magnetic Stir Plate by Joey_384375 | |
| | | | PVC Pipes Outdoor Structure by bluejay701 | |
| | Cardboard Box Guitar by makedo‑able | |
| | | | Macaroon De Leche Cake by InspiredByCookie | |
| | Floating Rocket Display by sirjason132 | |
| | | | Wall Mounted Soda Machine by Sully Jenkins | |
| | Tree Stump Planter Box by wannabemadsci | |
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| | Contests | | | | | | | Want More Inspiration? | | | |
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