Reality TV star Kim Kardashian is swapping her domestic drama for something scripted with an appearance on cult show American Horror Story. The socialite and billionaire businesswoman posted an eerie video Monday to her millions of social media followers, confirming that she will be joining the series with regular Emma Roberts. The brief video includes an off-key rendition of Rock-a-bye Baby and the whispered line: "Emma and Kim are delicate." According to Variety, Kardashian will have a lead role in season 12, playing a character that was written specifically for her. Kardashian first came to public attention as a member of heiress Paris Hilton's entourage, but gained global notoriety with the release of a sex tape. That was followed by the long-running Keeping Up with the Kardashians series and its spin-offs, in which viewers get insights into the lives of the uber-wealthy family. She appeared in a handful of films in the late 2000s, and recently voiced a character in PAW Patrol: The Movie. But American Horror Story will be her first scripted on-screen venture in a decade. Click 'read more' for more details. |