Katrina ThorstensenBoldBrush Recommends: Katrina Thorstensen
Read on Welcome to BoldBrush Magazine, a daily newsletter featuring today’s finest visual artists. Today's Newsletter is Brought to You by BoldBrush Art SocietyBoldBrush Art Society - a free art society where art lovers, collectors and artists can connect with each other, to see inspiring art, and to share art and business ideas. BoldBrush Recommends: Katrina ThorstensenGet Notified When Katrina Posts New Art BiographyThe places I am drawn to paint resonate for me in some way. Something catches my eye, inviting me to explore further. Perhaps it is the light, or the depth of the shadows, the stillness, or a sense of movement. As I paint, I am aware of what is present beyond what can be seen, and that becomes part of the painting. I am a nurse-midwife as well, and in that work I have been with people in some of the most physically and emotionally intense times of life - often exciting and joyful, but also sometimes difficult and painful. These experiences have given me an understanding of deeply felt emotions and a sensitivity that I try to bring to my work as an artist. I want my paintings to reflect the deeply felt experiences we have, and moments when we are fully present in our surroundings and to ourselves. Learn More About Katrina Thorstensen Who Does Kevin Macpherson Trust with His Website? FASO, of Course!Get Started Free for 30 Days and Learn Why. New Artwork by FASO Members Your art could be here tomorrow, for free. BoldBrush Magazine is free today. But if you enjoyed this post, you can tell BoldBrush Magazine that their writing is valuable by pledging a future subscription. You won't be charged unless they enable payments.
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