KANBAN HAS REACHED THE FILM INDUSTRY With the Kanban boards in ARRI Webgate, we provide you and your team with this new collaborative project management tool. Dear Do,
Say goodbye to project chaos – we want to introduce you to the Kanban method for film productions. Kanban (Japanese for sign or card) is a work-management method that helps teams to keep track of work stages and optimize their workflows and processes.
How does Kanban work?
Kanban works with columns, that represent the phases of a process. The simplest form of Kanban comprises three columns: To do, In progress, and Done. Within these columns, tasks can be created. Each task is represented by a card which can be assigned to certain users and can be moved between the stages. Kanban gives you an overview of your tasks and shows whether work on a given task has already begun or has been completed.
The method ensures that tasks are spread out efficiently between the team members, that transparency is high, and that project iterations go faster. It prevents redundancies and superfluous work.
Get inspired about implementing Kanban boards in your workflow – there are some examples for you to explore.
Want to learn all about Kanban Boards in ARRI Webgate and how to boost your workflow?
Check out our website and get all the details about this agile form of project management here: