Winners, losers, and the race for prestige
| | | | | | The College-Rankings Paradox |
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| | | Colleges have been living with rankings systems for years — while simultaneously complaining and boasting about how they are classified. The new Chronicle collection, The College Rankings Paradox, includes many of our best reads on this topic. |
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| | | | | Order this collection to explore answers to important questions, such as: How can any methodology adequately evaluate an institution devoted to learning? Why do richer colleges fare best? What is the true cost of what has often been described as an “arms race” for prestige? | |
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| | | As one contributor writes, “We conform to the image of the category in which we have been labeled, or we reach upward to try to be like the institutions we envy.” But, the author asks, “What if we had the confidence to be ourselves, but the best version of ourselves?” For more perspectives and inspiration, order this collection today. |
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