Prayer for Students & Teachers
Gracious God, thank you for teaching us. You give us wisdom now to help us in the future. We are grateful for this new year in which we may grow in faith, friendship, and the love of Jesus. We pray for all students in our community. Thank you for their curiosity, hope, and kindness. Help our students to listen for your voice, as they explore Scripture and seek to live what they believe. We pray for all teachers. Thank you for giving them dedication, experience, and insight. Sustain them by your Spirit with creativity, patience, peace, and joy. Continually guide and bless all parents, families, and the whole congregation throughout this year. We ask this in the name of Jesus, who asked and answered many questions. Amen. âListen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom for the futureâ (Proverbs 19:20).âAfter three days they found [Jesus] in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. And all who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answersâ (Luke 2:46-47). |
Children's Messages & Family Devotions Here is my new set of intergenerational resources for children's messages in worship or family devotions at home, based on the lectionary Bible passages. In September, the five-week theme is "Seasons of Creation" on Psalms and the Song of Songs. Go to the Worship page of the Discipleship Ministries website, find the Faith Formation tab, and click on Children/Family Resource.For an overview of the September series, click here.The October worship series on Job entitled "Mystery" is available. |
Advent Preparations As you plan for Advent, are you considering book studies and activities to help kids, youth, and adults grow as disciples? In this archived webinar "A Different Kind of Christmas: Helping People Find a More Meaningful Way," I discuss resources with Ken Sloane, Director of Stewardship & Connectional Ministries. The beautiful hard cover book Refuge: The Timeless Story of Christmas highlighted in the webinar is on sale at Cokesbury. |
           Intergenerational Stewardship Workshop You can still register for Curious Church, this year's conference for Christians Engaged in Faith Formation (CEF), the professional organization for leaders of Christian education ministries. It will be held on October 9-12 in Des Moines, Iowa. Keynote speakers include Brian McLaren, John Roberto, and Mary Scifres. Three women Bishops of The United Methodist Church will also provide leadership. I will teach workshops on "Intergenerational Resources for Stewardship." It will be a great time to meet with people from throughout the connection! |
| Featured Resource How might you, your loved ones, and your community be blessed by keeping a day of rest each week? For individuals, couples, and parents, I recommend For Sabbath's Sake: Embracing Your Need for Rest, Worship, and Community by Dana Trent. God gave us this commandment that is really a gift! But our busyness may crowd out this wonderful opportunity, which Abraham Joshua Heschel described as "a palace in time" (32). Trent offers practical ways to really unplug, be nurtured in worship, reconnect with God, and enjoy fellowship with family members and our community of faith. It is available in several formats through the Upper Room online bookstore. |
God Is So Good!This faith story comes from Rev. Melissa Crawford, pastor of Union UMC and Lake UMC in Mississippi. âAt this yearâs first Monday morning chapel service in the sanctuary, thirty preschoolers with their teachers filed in as 'Be Careful Little Eyes' played. Gazing at those bright-eyed, smiling faces, the joy of being be able to guide these little hearts with God's word completely engulfed me. My cup was so full as I prayed, 'Lord, help me not to cry so that I may share your word with your little ones.' To look over that field of little hearts is one picture I never want to forget. The Holy Spirit filled us with peace. To anyone hesitating to teach or minister to children and youth, please allow me to encourage you to step out and both be a blessing and be blessed.â    Do you have a faith story to share? Let us know! E-mail us and maybe it will appear in the next edition. |