Hello John,
I hope you're doing well. As you might know, each month TinkerLab hosts a daily art challenge. In October, I usually post this list, and with the U.S. election around the corner, I was moved to create a special art challenge to explore democracy with kids.
Please join me to reflect on democracy while amplifying a message of hope, decency, integrity, and peace.
When you click over to the post, you'll also find a list of picture books, videos, and artists to support some of the daily words. This list is a work in progress and I welcome you to send me your recommendations.
Join the Democracy Art Challenge: this October
Ideas on how to participate:
1. Participate with your child, students, or on your own. Make it your daily practice to reflect on the daily word.
2. Print the word list and prop it up on your dining table, post it to the fridge, or glue it in a sketchbook.
3. If you’re sharing with children, ask if they’ve heard this word before. What does it make them think of? Share your own thoughts with them. Read a picture book, look at a piece of art, share a historical example, or tell a story that relates to the word.
4. Consider how you’d like to interpret the word. You could take a photograph, make a drawing, write the word in your own font, find a quote that reflects the word’s meaning and illustrate it, share a photograph of a historical moment that reflects the word, write a poem, create a journal entry, etc.
Your voice is matters. Your child's voice matters. Make yourself heard.
TinkerLab, Creator
TinkerLab: A Hands-on Guide for Little Inventors
Creative Adventures in Cursive
Art Starts: 52 Projects for Open-Ended Exploration (coming Nov. 2020)
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