Hi John,

Has meeting by Zoom taken the energy out of your major gift program?

The new virtual environment has made our usual approaches almost obsolete. We likely won’t be able to meet our donors face-to-face or in larger group meetings for some time.

Now is the time to adapt and master the skills to build virtual relationships with major donors. You can raise major gifts, even during budget cuts, Zoom meetings and social distancing.

Join our open webinar to get expert insights:

Changing Times: The Rules for Virtual Major Gift Fundraising

Wednesday June 18, 2pm ET

Secure your spot

With decades of experience empowering nonprofits to achieve fundraising goals, we have a deep understanding of what gets results.

We’ve been supporting our clients as they rethink their major gift strategies for right now and we’re excited to share our insights with you.

Learn the new rules.

Discover how you can rethink your strategies and raise major gifts in the virtual environment.

We’ll explore new ideas for:

  • Your approaches
  • Your skills
  • Your team
  • Your metrics
  • Your plan
  • Your logistics
  • Your message
  • Your donor prospects

We’ll show you how to succeed with major donors right now and in the future.

Secure your spot

See you next week!

Gail Perry and Dr. Kathryn Gamble

PS: Register now, so you can learn what you need to raise major gifts, in the new virtual reality.

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